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[nongnu] elpa/parseclj 60fd8eb965 053/185: Copy tests from edn.el

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/parseclj 60fd8eb965 053/185: Copy tests from edn.el
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:16 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/parseclj
commit 60fd8eb9654d98b832de4666e341b3679f4b9ed5
Author: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>
Commit: Arne Brasseur <arne@arnebrasseur.net>

    Copy tests from edn.el
 tests/edn-el-test-suite.el | 251 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 251 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/edn-el-test-suite.el b/tests/edn-el-test-suite.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d42e021fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/edn-el-test-suite.el
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+(require 'ert)
+(ert-deftest whitespace ()
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str "")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str " ")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str "   ")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str "   ")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str "           ")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str ",")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str ",,,,")))
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str "     , ,
+  (should (null (clj-parse-edn-str"
+  ,,   ")))
+  (should (equal [a b c d] (clj-parse-edn-str "[a ,,,,,, b,,,,,c ,d]"))))
+(ert-deftest symbols ()
+  :tags '(edn symbol)
+  (should (equal 'foo (clj-parse-edn-str "foo")))
+  (should (equal 'foo\. (clj-parse-edn-str "foo.")))
+  (should (equal '%foo\. (clj-parse-edn-str "%foo.")))
+  (should (equal 'foo/bar (clj-parse-edn-str "foo/bar")))
+  (equal 'some\#sort\#of\#symbol (clj-parse-edn-str "some#sort#of#symbol"))
+  (equal 'truefalse (clj-parse-edn-str "truefalse"))
+  (equal 'true. (clj-parse-edn-str "true."))
+  (equal '/ (clj-parse-edn-str "/"))
+  (should (equal '.true (clj-parse-edn-str ".true")))
+  (should (equal 'some:sort:of:symbol (clj-parse-edn-str 
+  (equal 'foo-bar (clj-parse-edn-str "foo-bar"))
+  (should (equal '+some-symbol (clj-parse-edn-str "+some-symbol")))
+  (should (equal '-symbol (clj-parse-edn-str "-symbol"))))
+(ert-deftest booleans ()
+  :tags '(edn boolean)
+  (should (equal t (clj-parse-edn-str "true")))
+  (should (equal nil (clj-parse-edn-str "false "))))
+(ert-deftest characters ()
+  :tags '(edn characters)
+  (should (equal 97 (clj-parse-edn-str "\\a")))
+  (should (equal 960 (clj-parse-edn-str "\\u03C0")))
+  ;;(should (equal 'newline (clj-parse-edn-str "\\newline")))
+  )
+(ert-deftest elision ()
+  :tags '(edn elision)
+  (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "#_foo"))
+  (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "#_ 123"))
+  (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "#_:foo"))
+  (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "#_ \\a"))
+  (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "#_
+  (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "#_ (1 2 3)"))
+  (should (equal '(1 3) (clj-parse-edn-str "(1 #_ 2 3)")))
+  (should (equal '[1 2 3 4] (clj-parse-edn-str "[1 2 #_[4 5 6] 3 4]")))
+  (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)
+                     (clj-parse-edn-str "{:foo #_elided :bar}")))
+  (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 3 4))
+                 (clj-parse-edn-str "#{1 2 #_[1 2 3] 3 #_ (1 2) 4}")))
+  (should (equal [a d] (clj-parse-edn-str "[a #_ ;we are discarding what comes 
+ c d]"))))
+;; (ert-deftest string ()
+;;   :tags '(edn string)
+;;   (should (equal "this is a string" (clj-parse-edn-str "\"this is a 
+;;   (should (equal "this has an escaped \"quote in it"
+;;                  (clj-parse-edn-str "\"this has an escaped \\\"quote in 
+;;   (should (equal "foo\tbar" (clj-parse-edn-str "\"foo\\tbar\"")))
+;;   (should (equal "foo\nbar" (clj-parse-edn-str "\"foo\\nbar\"")))
+;;   (should (equal "this is a string \\ that has an escaped backslash"
+;;                  (clj-parse-edn-str "\"this is a string \\\\ that has an 
escaped backslash\"")))
+;;   (should (equal "[" (clj-parse-edn-str "\"[\""))))
+;; (ert-deftest keywords ()
+;;   :tags '(edn keywords)
+;;   (should (equal :namespace\.of\.some\.length/keyword-name
+;;                  (clj-parse-edn-str 
+;;   (should (equal :\#/\# (clj-parse-edn-str ":#/#")))
+;;   (should (equal :\#/:a (clj-parse-edn-str ":#/:a")))
+;;   (should (equal :\#foo (clj-parse-edn-str ":#foo"))))
+;; (ert-deftest integers ()
+;;   :tags '(edn integers)
+;;   (should (= 0 (clj-parse-edn-str "0")))
+;;   (should (= 0 (clj-parse-edn-str "+0")))
+;;   (should (= 0 (clj-parse-edn-str "-0")))
+;;   (should (= 100 (clj-parse-edn-str "100")))
+;;   (should (= -100 (clj-parse-edn-str "-100"))))
+;; (ert-deftest floats ()
+;;   :tags '(edn floats)
+;;   (should (= 12.32 (clj-parse-edn-str "12.32")))
+;;   (should (= -12.32 (clj-parse-edn-str "-12.32")))
+;;   (should (= 9923.23 (clj-parse-edn-str "+9923.23")))
+;;   (should (= 4.5e+044 (clj-parse-edn-str "45e+43")))
+;;   (should (= -4.5e-042 (clj-parse-edn-str "-45e-43")))
+;;   (should (= 4.5e+044 (clj-parse-edn-str "45E+43"))))
+;; (ert-deftest lists ()
+;;   :tags '(edn lists)
+;;   (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str "()"))
+;;   (should (equal '(1 2 3) (clj-parse-edn-str "( 1 2 3)")))
+;;   (should (equal '(12.1 ?a foo :bar) (clj-parse-edn-str "(12.1 \\a foo 
+;;   (should (equal '((:foo bar :bar 12)) (clj-parse-edn-str "( (:foo bar :bar 
+;;   (should (equal
+;;            '(defproject com\.thortech/data\.edn "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")
+;;            (clj-parse-edn-str "(defproject com.thortech/data.edn 
+;; (ert-deftest vectors ()
+;;   :tags '(edn vectors)
+;;   (should (equal [] (clj-parse-edn-str "[]")))
+;;   (should (equal [] (clj-parse-edn-str "[ ]")))
+;;   (should (equal '[1 2 3] (clj-parse-edn-str "[ 1 2 3 ]")))
+;;   (should (equal '[12.1 ?a foo :bar] (clj-parse-edn-str "[ 12.1 \\a foo 
+;;   (should (equal '[[:foo bar :bar 12]] (clj-parse-edn-str "[[:foo bar :bar 
+;;   (should (equal '[( :foo bar :bar 12 ) "foo"]
+;;                  (clj-parse-edn-str "[(:foo bar :bar 12) \"foo\"]")))
+;;   (should (equal '[/ \. * ! _ \? $ % & = - +]
+;;                  (clj-parse-edn-str "[/ . * ! _ ? $ % & = - +]")))
+;;   (should (equal [99 newline return space tab]
+;;                  (clj-parse-edn-str "[\\c \\newline \\return \\space 
+(defun map-equal (m1 m2)
+  (and (and (hash-table-p m1) (hash-table-p m2))
+       (eq (hash-table-test m1) (hash-table-test m2))
+       (= (hash-table-count m1) (hash-table-count m2))
+       (equal (hash-table-keys m1) (hash-table-keys m2))
+       (equal (hash-table-values m1) (hash-table-values m2))))
+(defun make-seeded-hash-table (&rest keys-and-values)
+  (let ((m (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+    (while keys-and-values
+      (puthash (pop keys-and-values) (pop keys-and-values) m))
+    m))
+;; (ert-deftest maps ()
+;;   :tags '(edn maps)
+;;   (should (hash-table-p (clj-parse-edn-str "{ }")))
+;;   (should (hash-table-p (clj-parse-edn-str "{}")))
+;;   (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar :baz :qux)
+;;                      (clj-parse-edn-str "{ :foo :bar :baz :qux}")))
+;;   (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table 1 "123" 'vector [1 2 3])
+;;                      (clj-parse-edn-str "{ 1 \"123\" vector [1 2 3]}")))
+;;   (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table [1 2 3] "some numbers")
+;;                      (clj-parse-edn-str "{[1 2 3] \"some numbers\"}"))))
+;; (ert-deftest sets ()
+;;   :tags '(edn sets)
+;;   (should (edn-set-p (clj-parse-edn-str "#{}")))
+;;   (should (edn-set-p (clj-parse-edn-str "#{ }")))
+;;   (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 3)) (clj-parse-edn-str "#{1 2 3}")))
+;;   (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 [1 2 3] 3)) (clj-parse-edn-str "#{1 
[1 2 3] 3}"))))
+;; (ert-deftest comment ()
+;;   :tags '(edn comments)
+;;   (should-not (clj-parse-edn-str ";nada"))
+;;   (should (equal 1 (clj-parse-edn-str ";; comment
+;; 1")))
+;;   (should (equal [1 2 3] (clj-parse-edn-str "[1 2 ;comment to eol
+;; 3]")))
+;;   (should (equal '[valid more items] (clj-parse-edn-str "[valid;touching 
trailing comment
+;;  more items]")))
+;;   (should (equal [valid vector more vector items] (clj-parse-edn-str 
"[valid vector
+;;  ;;comment in vector
+;;  more vector items]"))))
+;; (defun test-val-passed-to-handler (val)
+;;   (should (listp val))
+;;   (should (= (length val) 2))
+;;   (should (= 1 (car val)))
+;;   1)
+;; (edn-add-reader "my/type" #'test-val-passed-to-handler)
+;; (edn-add-reader :my/other-type (lambda (val) 2))
+;; (ert-deftest tags ()
+;;   :tags '(edn tags)
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "#my/type value"))
+;;   (should (= 1 (clj-parse-edn-str "#my/type (1 2)")))
+;;   (should (= 2 (clj-parse-edn-str "#my/other-type {:foo :bar}"))))
+;; (ert-deftest roundtrip ()
+;;   :tags '(edn roundtrip)
+;;   (let ((data [1 2 3 :foo (4 5) qux "quux"]))
+;;     (should (equal data (clj-parse-edn-str (edn-print-string data))))
+;;     (should (map-equal (make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)
+;;                        (clj-parse-edn-str (edn-print-string 
(make-seeded-hash-table :foo :bar)))))
+;;     (should (equal (edn-list-to-set '(1 2 3 [3 1.11]))
+;;                    (clj-parse-edn-str (edn-print-string (edn-list-to-set 
'(1 2 3 [3 1.11]))))))
+;;     (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "#myapp/Person {:first \"Fred\" :last 
+;; (ert-deftest inst ()
+;;   :tags '(edn inst)
+;;   (let* ((inst-str "#inst \"1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z\"")
+;;          (inst (clj-parse-edn-str inst-str))
+;;          (time (date-to-time "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z")))
+;;     (should (edn-inst-p inst))
+;;     (should (equal time (edn-inst-to-time inst)))
+;;     (should (equal inst-str (edn-print-string inst)))))
+;; (ert-deftest uuid ()
+;;   :tags '(edn uuid)
+;;   (let* ((str "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6")
+;;          (uuid (clj-parse-edn-str (concat "#uuid \"" str "\""))))
+;;     (should (edn-uuid-p uuid))
+;;     (should (equal str (edn-uuid-to-string uuid)))))
+;; (ert-deftest invalid-edn ()
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "///"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "~cat"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "foo/bar/baz/qux/quux"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "#foo/"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "foo/"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":foo/"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "#/foo"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "/symbol"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":/foo"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "+5symbol"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ".\\newline"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "0cat"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "-4cats"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ".9"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":keyword/with/too/many/slashes"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":a.b.c/"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "\\itstoolong"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":#/:"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "/foo//"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "///foo"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":{}"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "//"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "##"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "::"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "::a"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ".5symbol"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "{ \"foo\""))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "{ \"foo\" :bar"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "{"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":{"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "{{"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "}"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":}"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "}}"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "#:foo"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "\\newline."))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "\\newline0.1"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "^"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str ":^"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "_:^"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "#{{[}}"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "[}"))
+;;   (should-error (clj-parse-edn-str "@cat")))

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