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master 93e1248: Fix problem with occasional stalls in `url-retrieve-sync

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: master 93e1248: Fix problem with occasional stalls in `url-retrieve-synchronously'
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2021 07:28:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 93e1248c2085dfb675d7ed916ec5621e3fe6e2c6
Author: dick r. chiang <dick.r.chiang@gmail.com>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Fix problem with occasional stalls in `url-retrieve-synchronously'
    * lisp/url/url.el (url-retrieve-synchronously): Use
    `accept-process-output' on a null process.  That is the safer, more
    conventional way of achieving non-blocking sleep-for (bug#49897).
    Also rewrite for greater readability.
 lisp/url/url.el | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/url/url.el b/lisp/url/url.el
index a6565e2..ccc95a6 100644
--- a/lisp/url/url.el
+++ b/lisp/url/url.el
@@ -235,85 +235,55 @@ If INHIBIT-COOKIES is non-nil, refuse to store cookies.  
 TIMEOUT is passed, it should be a number that says (in seconds)
 how long to wait for a response before giving up."
-  (let ((retrieval-done nil)
-       (start-time (current-time))
-        (url-asynchronous nil)
-        (asynch-buffer nil)
-        (timed-out nil))
-    (setq asynch-buffer
-         (url-retrieve url (lambda (&rest ignored)
-                             (url-debug 'retrieval "Synchronous fetching done 
(%S)" (current-buffer))
-                             (setq retrieval-done t
-                                   asynch-buffer (current-buffer)))
-                       nil silent inhibit-cookies))
-    (if (null asynch-buffer)
-        ;; We do not need to do anything, it was a mailto or something
-        ;; similar that takes processing completely outside of the URL
-        ;; package.
-        nil
-      (let ((proc (get-buffer-process asynch-buffer)))
-       ;; If the access method was synchronous, `retrieval-done' should
-       ;; hopefully already be set to t.  If it is nil, and `proc' is also
-       ;; nil, it implies that the async process is not running in
-       ;; asynch-buffer.  This happens e.g. for FTP files.  In such a case
-       ;; url-file.el should probably set something like a `url-process'
-       ;; buffer-local variable so we can find the exact process that we
-       ;; should be waiting for.  In the mean time, we'll just wait for any
-       ;; process output.
-       (while (and (not retrieval-done)
-                    (or (not timeout)
-                       (not (setq timed-out
-                                   (time-less-p timeout
-                                                (time-since start-time))))))
-         (url-debug 'retrieval
-                    "Spinning in url-retrieve-synchronously: %S (%S)"
-                    retrieval-done asynch-buffer)
-          (if (buffer-local-value 'url-redirect-buffer asynch-buffer)
-              (setq proc (get-buffer-process
-                          (setq asynch-buffer
-                                (buffer-local-value 'url-redirect-buffer
-                                                    asynch-buffer))))
-            (if (and proc (memq (process-status proc)
-                                '(closed exit signal failed))
-                     ;; Make sure another process hasn't been started.
-                     (eq proc (or (get-buffer-process asynch-buffer) proc)))
-                ;; FIXME: It's not clear whether url-retrieve's callback is
-                ;; guaranteed to be called or not.  It seems that url-http
-                ;; decides sometimes consciously not to call it, so it's not
-                ;; clear that it's a bug, but even then we need to decide how
-                ;; url-http can then warn us that the download has completed.
-                ;; In the mean time, we use this here workaround.
-               ;; XXX: The callback must always be called.  Any
-               ;; exception is a bug that should be fixed, not worked
-               ;; around.
-               (progn ;; Call delete-process so we run any sentinel now.
-                 (delete-process proc)
-                 (setq retrieval-done t)))
-            ;; We used to use `sit-for' here, but in some cases it wouldn't
-            ;; work because apparently pending keyboard input would always
-            ;; interrupt it before it got a chance to handle process input.
-            ;; `sleep-for' was tried but it lead to other forms of
-            ;; hanging.  --Stef
-            (unless (or (with-local-quit
-                         (accept-process-output proc 1))
-                       (null proc))
-              ;; accept-process-output returned nil, maybe because the process
-              ;; exited (and may have been replaced with another).  If we got
-             ;; a quit, just stop.
-             (when quit-flag
-               (delete-process proc))
-              (setq proc (and (not quit-flag)
-                             (get-buffer-process asynch-buffer))))))
-        ;; On timeouts, make sure we kill any pending processes.
-        ;; There may be more than one if we had a redirect.
-        (when timed-out
-          (when (process-live-p proc)
-            (delete-process proc))
-          (when-let ((aproc (get-buffer-process asynch-buffer)))
-            (when (process-live-p aproc)
-              (delete-process aproc))))))
-    asynch-buffer))
+  (let* (url-asynchronous
+         data-buffer
+         (callback (lambda (&rest _args)
+                     (setq data-buffer (current-buffer))
+                     (url-debug 'retrieval
+                                "Synchronous fetching done (%S)"
+                                data-buffer)))
+         (start-time (current-time))
+         (proc-buffer (url-retrieve url callback nil silent
+                                    inhibit-cookies)))
+    (if (not proc-buffer)
+        (url-debug 'retrieval "Synchronous fetching unnecessary %s" url)
+      (unwind-protect
+          (catch 'done
+            (while (not data-buffer)
+              (when (and timeout (time-less-p timeout
+                                              (time-since start-time)))
+                (url-debug 'retrieval "Timed out %s (after %ss)" url
+                           (float-time (time-since start-time)))
+                (throw 'done 'timeout))
+             (url-debug 'retrieval
+                        "Spinning in url-retrieve-synchronously: nil (%S)"
+                        proc-buffer)
+              (when-let ((redirect-buffer
+                          (buffer-local-value 'url-redirect-buffer
+                                              proc-buffer)))
+                (unless (eq redirect-buffer proc-buffer)
+                  (url-debug
+                   'retrieval "Redirect in url-retrieve-synchronously: %S -> 
+                  proc-buffer redirect-buffer)
+                  (let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
+                    (kill-buffer proc-buffer))
+                  ;; Accommodate hack in commit 55d1d8b.
+                  (setq proc-buffer redirect-buffer)))
+              (when-let ((proc (get-buffer-process proc-buffer)))
+                (when (memq (process-status proc)
+                            '(closed exit signal failed))
+                  ;; Process sentinel vagaries occasionally cause
+                  ;; url-retrieve to fail calling callback.
+                  (unless data-buffer
+                    (url-debug 'retrieval "Dead process %s" url)
+                   (throw 'done 'exception))))
+              ;; Querying over consumer internet in the US takes 100
+              ;; ms, so split the difference.
+              (accept-process-output nil 0.05)))
+        (unless (eq data-buffer proc-buffer)
+          (let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
+            (kill-buffer proc-buffer)))))
+    data-buffer))
 ;; url-mm-callback called from url-mm, which requires mm-decode.
 (declare-function mm-dissect-buffer "mm-decode"

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