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Re: [Elpa] Suggest new package: dired-quick-sort

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: [Elpa] Suggest new package: dired-quick-sort
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 19:56:55 +0000

Hong Xu <hong@topbug.net> writes:

> I would like to suggest including my package dired-quick-sort in the
> nongnu ELPA repository.
> Homepage: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort
> Git repository: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort.git

Sorry for the delay in responding; I have a few comments here:

diff --git a/dired-quick-sort.el b/dired-quick-sort.el
index 8b85c7c..b121150 100644
--- a/dired-quick-sort.el
+++ b/dired-quick-sort.el
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-;;; dired-quick-sort.el --- Persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in 
various ways. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; dired-quick-sort.el --- Persistent quick sorting of Dired buffers in 
various ways. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016--2025 Hong Xu <hong@topbug.net>
+;; Copyright (C) 2016-2025 Hong Xu <hong@topbug.net>
 ;; Author: Hong Xu <hong@topbug.net>
-;; URL: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort#dired-quick-sort
+;; URL: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort
 ;; Version: 0.3+
 ;; Package-Requires: ((hydra "0.13.0") (emacs "24"))
 ;; Keywords: convenience, files
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This package provides ways to quickly sort dired buffers in various ways.
+;; This package provides ways to quickly sort Dired buffers in various ways.
 ;; With `savehist-mode' enabled (strongly recommended), the last used sorting
 ;; criteria are automatically used when sorting, even after restarting Emacs.  
 ;; hydra is defined to conveniently change sorting criteria.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 ;; For a quick setup, Add the following configuration to your "~/.emacs" or
 ;; "~/.emacs.d/init.el":
-;;     (require 'dired-quick-sort)
+;;     (require 'dired-quick-sort) ;<- are you assuming that the autoloads are 
in effect or not?
 ;;     (dired-quick-sort-setup)
 ;; This will bind "S" in dired-mode to invoke the quick sort hydra and new 
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ;; To comment, ask questions, report bugs or make feature requests, please open
 ;; a new ticket at the issue tracker
-;; <https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort/issues>. To contribute, please
+;; <https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort/issues>.  To contribute, please
 ;; create a merge request at
 ;; <https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort/merge_requests>.
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@
 (require 'savehist)
 (require 'hydra)
+(defcustom dired-quick-sort ()
+  "Persistent quick sorting of Dired buffers in various ways."
+  :group 'dired)
 (defcustom dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning nil
   "How to handle the warning in `dired-quick-sort-setup'."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Display" nil)
@@ -74,17 +78,20 @@ version of name and extension).
 See the documentation of the \"--sort\" option of GNU ls for details.")
 (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'dired-quick-sort-sort-by-last)
 (defvar dired-quick-sort-reverse-last ?n
   "Whether reversing was enabled when sorting was used last time.
 The value should be either ?y or ?n.")
 (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'dired-quick-sort-reverse-last)
 (defvar dired-quick-sort-group-directories-last ?n
   "Whether directories are grouped together when sorting was used last time.
 The value should either be ?y or ?n.")
 (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables
 (defvar dired-quick-sort-time-last "default"
   "The time option used last time.
@@ -97,7 +104,7 @@ See the documentation of the \"--time\" option of GNU ls for 
 (defun dired-quick-sort (&optional sort-by reverse group-directories time)
-  "Sort dired by the given criteria.
+  "Sort Dired by the given criteria.
 The possible values of SORT-BY, REVERSE, GROUP-DIRECTORIES and TIME are
 explained in the variable `dired-quick-sort-reverse-last',
@@ -115,27 +122,31 @@ enabled.  When invoked interactively, nil's are passed to 
all arguments."
   (dired-sort-other (dired-quick-sort--format-switches)))
 (defun dired-quick-sort-set-switches ()
-  "Set switches according to variables. For use in `dired-mode-hook'."
+  "Set switches according to variables.
+For use in `dired-mode-hook'."
   (unless dired-sort-inhibit
     (dired-sort-other (dired-quick-sort--format-switches) t)))
 (defun dired-quick-sort--format-switches ()
-  "Return a dired-listing-switches string according to
-`dired-quick-sort' settings."
-  (format "%s %s %s %s %s" dired-listing-switches
-          (if (string= dired-quick-sort-sort-by-last "default")
-              ""
-            (concat "--sort=" dired-quick-sort-sort-by-last))
-          (if (char-equal dired-quick-sort-reverse-last ?y)
-              "-r" "")
-          (if (char-equal dired-quick-sort-group-directories-last ?y)
-              "--group-directories-first" "")
-          (if (not (string= dired-quick-sort-time-last "default"))
-              (concat "--time=" dired-quick-sort-time-last) "")))
-(defun dired-quick-sort--sort-by-last (field)
+  "Return a `dired-listing-switches' string according to `dired-quick-sort' 
+  (mapconcat
+   #'identity                           ;perhaps `shell-quote-argument'?
+   (list dired-listing-switches
+         (if (string= dired-quick-sort-sort-by-last "default")
+             ""                         ;`mapconcat' interprets nil as "", 
which could simplify things here
+           (concat "--sort=" dired-quick-sort-sort-by-last))
+         (if (char-equal dired-quick-sort-reverse-last ?y) ;why not `eq'?
+             "-r" "")
+         (if (char-equal dired-quick-sort-group-directories-last ?y)
+             "--group-directories-first" "")
+         (if (not (string= dired-quick-sort-time-last "default"))
+             (concat "--time=" dired-quick-sort-time-last) ""))
+   " "))
+(defun dired-quick-sort--sort-by-last (field) ;please add a docstring!
   (if (string= dired-quick-sort-sort-by-last field) "[X]" "[ ]"))
+;; you don't appear to have a hard dependency on hydra, right?  could you also 
add a similar interface using transient?
 (defhydra hydra-dired-quick-sort (:hint none :color pink)
 ^Sort by^                   ^Reverse^               ^Group Directories^        
@@ -183,15 +194,13 @@ _q_: quit                   ^ ^                     ^ ^
    (if (string= dired-quick-sort-time-last "status") "[X]" "[ ]"))
   ("q" nil "quit" :hint t :color blue))
-(defun dired-quick-sort--display-setup-warning (msg)
-  "Display setup warning according to
+(defun dired-quick-sort--display-setup-warning (msg) ;there is a checkdoc 
warning here as well!
+  "Display setup warning according to 
   (let ((display-func
-         (cond
-          ((null dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning)
-           (lambda (m) (display-warning 'dired-quick-sort m)))
-          ((eq dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning 'message) #'message)
-          ((eq dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning t) #'ignore))))
+         (pcase-exhaustive dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning
+          ('nil (lambda (m) (display-warning 'dired-quick-sort m)))
+          ('message #'message)
+          ('t #'ignore))))
     (funcall display-func msg)))
@@ -217,7 +226,7 @@ suppress this warning. Alternatively, set
 `dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning' to suppress warning and skip setup
     (if (not
-         (with-temp-buffer
+         (with-temp-buffer              ;this could also be checked at 
compile-time, right?
            (call-process insert-directory-program nil t nil "--version")
            (string-match-p "GNU" (buffer-string))))
> Package description:
> ;; This package provides ways to quickly sort dired buffers in various ways.
> ;; With `savehist-mode' enabled (strongly recommended), the last used sorting
> ;; criteria are automatically used when sorting, even after restarting Emacs. 
>  A
> ;; hydra is defined to conveniently change sorting criteria.
> ;;
> ;; For a quick setup, Add the following configuration to your "~/.emacs" or
> ;; "~/.emacs.d/init.el":
> ;;
> ;;     (require 'dired-quick-sort)
> ;;     (dired-quick-sort-setup)
> ;;
> ;; This will bind "S" in dired-mode to invoke the quick sort hydra and new 
> Dired
> ;; buffers are automatically sorted according to the setup in this package.  
> See
> ;; the document of `dired-quick-sort-setup` if you need a different setup.  It
> ;; is recommended that at least "-l" should be put into
> ;; `dired-listing-switches'.  If used with dired+, you may want to set
> ;; `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag' to nil.
> (The README also mentions Melpa as an installation venue, but will
> replace the section with Elpa once this package is included.)
> I'm also open to include this package in the GNU Elpa repository if this
> is more preferred.

That is fine, as long as all signficant contributors have signed the FSF
copyright assignment.

> Please advice.

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