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[Elpa] Suggest new package: dired-quick-sort

From: Hong Xu
Subject: [Elpa] Suggest new package: dired-quick-sort
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 13:04:45 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.8; emacs 29.4

I would like to suggest including my package dired-quick-sort in the
nongnu ELPA repository.

Homepage: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort
Git repository: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort.git

Package description:

;; This package provides ways to quickly sort dired buffers in various ways.
;; With `savehist-mode' enabled (strongly recommended), the last used sorting
;; criteria are automatically used when sorting, even after restarting Emacs.  A
;; hydra is defined to conveniently change sorting criteria.
;; For a quick setup, Add the following configuration to your "~/.emacs" or
;; "~/.emacs.d/init.el":
;;     (require 'dired-quick-sort)
;;     (dired-quick-sort-setup)
;; This will bind "S" in dired-mode to invoke the quick sort hydra and new Dired
;; buffers are automatically sorted according to the setup in this package.  See
;; the document of `dired-quick-sort-setup` if you need a different setup.  It
;; is recommended that at least "-l" should be put into
;; `dired-listing-switches'.  If used with dired+, you may want to set
;; `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag' to nil.

(The README also mentions Melpa as an installation venue, but will
replace the section with Elpa once this package is included.)

I'm also open to include this package in the GNU Elpa repository if this
is more preferred.

Please advice.


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