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Re: Functions transpose/rotate/flip windows

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Functions transpose/rotate/flip windows
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 10:19:35 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

>> Here is another instance of rotate-windows:
>>     +-------+--------+            +--------+---------+
>>     |       |    B   |            |        |     A   |
>>     |    A  +--------+  ------>   |     C  +---------+
>>     |       |    C   |            |        |     B   |
>>     +-------+--------+            +--------+---------+
>> Here, I think what's happening could be considered clockwise.
> I agree this is clockwise.  So we need to fix the implementation
> of rotate-windows, but not documentation that was already correct.

We're struggling, I think.


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