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Re: Integration of Info manuals in programming modes, Re: Integration of

From: Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Subject: Re: Integration of Info manuals in programming modes, Re: Integration of Info manuals in programming modes
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 23:16:11 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.7; emacs 30.0.92

Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> writes:

> So the question is how we can stimulate work to produce the _best_
> result, rather than accepting forever an inferior result.
> Any ideas?

I think easy to read documentation of texinfo helps a lot.

I added a section for that to my "programming-essentials" guide; it’s cc
by-sa, so if anyone wants to use that or build on it to help people find
an easier entry into texinfo, feelf free to use it:

Since I know that you prefer not to open URLs, here’s the content of the
section (in org-mode syntax):

* Create a manual as package documentation with =texinfo=
:CUSTOM_ID: texinfo

Create a =doc/= folder and add a =hello.texi= file.

An *example file* can look like the following:

#+begin_src texinfo :tangle hello/doc/hello.texi
@documentencoding UTF-8
@settitle Hello World
@c This is a comment; The Top node is the first page
@node Top

@c Show the title and clickable Chapter-names as menu
,* First Steps::
,* API Reference::
@end menu

@node First Steps
@chapter First Steps
Download from ...
Install: @code{make}.
@end itemize

(+ 1 2)
@result{} 3
@end lisp

@node API Reference
@chapter API Reference
@section Procedures
@subsection hello
Print Hello
@end example

Add a =Makefile= in the doc/ folder:

#+begin_src makefile :tangle hello/doc/Makefile
all: hello.info hello.epub hello_html/index.html
hello.info: hello.texi
        makeinfo hello.texi
hello.epub: hello.texi
        makeinfo --epub hello.texi
hello_html/index.html: hello.texi
        makeinfo --html hello.texi

Run make:

#+begin_src bash

Read the docs with =calibre= or the =browser= or plain =info=:

#+begin_src bash
calibre hello.epub & \
firefox hello_html/index.html & \
info -f ./hello.info

/The HTML output is plain. You can adapt it with CSS by adding
=--css-include=FILENAME= or =--css-ref=URL=./

/Alternately you can write an [[https://orgmode.org][Org Mode]] document and 
=(require 'ox-texinfo)= to activate exporting to texinfo./

# For regular Guile programs, add guild doc-snarf.

Best wishes,

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