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RE: [External] : Re: SQ: why transient instead of enhanced keymaps?

From: Karthik Chikmagalur
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: SQ: why transient instead of enhanced keymaps?
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:40:55 -0800

>> Hiding/showing options and actions is convenient, OTOH. Again, I don't
>> know if Transient implements this.
> I won't waste more time on this.  You don't
> need to sell Transient - not to me, anyway,
> and I'm guessing not to others.  I thought
> this thread was trying to look at things more
> generally, not just trying to decide to "buy
> into" this or that approach/camp.

My purpose for making the comparison between Transient and regular Emacs
keymaps in my previous message was to suggest what would be the highest
value Transient features regular keymaps could support to get most of
the utility of Transient menus without the associated complexity.

For display, which-key supports some sorting options, although I don't
know if they are as extensive as icicles/keysee.el etc.  However the
kinds of tasks people write Transient menus for do not usually benefit
from being able to sort items on the fly.


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