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Re: Refactor elpa/oauth2.el to use plist over cl-defstruct

From: Soham Gumaste
Subject: Re: Refactor elpa/oauth2.el to use plist over cl-defstruct
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 18:36:56 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hello again!

I will report back in this thread with a proof of concept soon, with the current cl-defstruct implementation. We can discuss further based on that.


Here is a first-draft diff I have for now. I still need to work on making it match the ":port" key properly. As you can see in the diff, storing the struct as a plist generates a lot of ugly boiler plate code.

Please note that this is not ready to merge yet.

--- Begin Diff ---
diff --git a/oauth2.el b/oauth2.el
index 87e0c39..5bb35af 100644
--- a/oauth2.el
+++ b/oauth2.el
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc

 ;; Author: Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
+;; Author: Soham S Gumaste <sohamg2@gmail.com>
 ;; Version: 0.17
 ;; Keywords: comm
 ;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5") (nadvice "0.3"))
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ TOKEN should be obtained with `oauth2-request-access'."
     auth-url client-id scope state redirect-uri)

-(defcustom oauth2-token-file (concat user-emacs-directory "oauth2.plstore")
+(defcustom oauth2-token-file (concat user-emacs-directory "oauth2.plist")
   "File path where store OAuth tokens."
   :group 'oauth2
   :type 'file)
@@ -185,8 +186,9 @@ This allows to store the token in an unique way."
   (secure-hash 'sha512 (concat auth-url token-url scope client-id)))

-(defun oauth2-auth-and-store (auth-url token-url scope client-id client-secret &optional redirect-uri state)
-  "Request access to a resource and store it using `plstore'."
+(defun oauth2-auth-and-store (auth-url token-url scope client-id client-secret &optional redirect-uri state user-data)
+  "Request access to a resource and store it using `plstore'.
+`user-data' is a plist with keys :host, :user, and :port as expected by `auth-sources'."
   ;; We store a MD5 sum of all URL
   (let* ((plstore (plstore-open oauth2-token-file))
          (id (oauth2-compute-id auth-url token-url scope client-id))
@@ -211,6 +213,23 @@ This allows to store the token in an unique way."
                                       ,(oauth2-token-access-token token)
                                       ,(oauth2-token-refresh-token token)
+                                      :secret
+ (lambda (&rest unused) ;; This is called with `funcall', but somehow gets args, instead of nil? + (let ((saved-tok (make-oauth2-token :plstore (plstore-open ,(plstore-get-file (oauth2-token-plstore token))) + :plstore-id ,(oauth2-token-plstore-id token) + :client-id ,(oauth2-token-client-id token) + :client-secret ,(oauth2-token-client-secret token) + :access-token ,(oauth2-token-access-token token) + :refresh-token ,(oauth2-token-refresh-token token) + :token-url ,(oauth2-token-token-url token) + :access-response ,(oauth2-token-access-response token)))) + (oauth2-token-access-token (oauth2-refresh-access saved-tok))))
+                                      :host
+                                      ,(plist-get user-data :host)
+                                      :user
+                                      ,(plist-get user-data :user)
+                                      :port
+                                      ,t
,(oauth2-token-access-response token)))
         (plstore-save plstore)

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