> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 14:45:22 +0200
> From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
> Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
>> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 20:27:12 +0800
>> From: Eval EXEC <execvy@gmail.com>
>> I want to use `x-show-tip` to show some colorful text to tooltip. But it
seems that emacs doesn't make the
>> tooltip text colorful.
>> I can reproduce it by eval this expression:
>> ```elisp
>> (x-show-tip
>> (propertize "hello emacs" 'face '(:foreground "red"))
>> nil nil 2 0 0)
>> ```
>> I expect above elisp expression should make a tooltip to display red text,
>> but it displayed white foreground text actualy.
> This is the intended behavior. The doc string of x-show-tip says:
> This is an internal function; Lisp code should call ‘tooltip-show’.
> And the doc string tooltip-show says:
> The text properties of TEXT are also modified to add the
> appropriate faces before displaying the tooltip. If your code
> depends on them, you should copy the tooltip string before
> passing it to this function.
> The face in which the tooltip text is shown is determined by the
> 'tooltip' face.
Sorry, ignore me. I think what you see is because your build is a GTK
build, where by default tool tips are shown by GTK functions. If so,
set use-system-tooltips to the nil value and try again.