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Re: `x-show-tip` not display propertize text string, is this expected?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: `x-show-tip` not display propertize text string, is this expected?
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 14:45:22 +0200

> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 20:27:12 +0800
> From: Eval EXEC <execvy@gmail.com>
> I want to use `x-show-tip` to show some colorful text to tooltip. But it 
> seems that emacs doesn't make the
> tooltip text colorful.
> I can reproduce it by eval this expression:
> ```elisp
> (x-show-tip
>   (propertize "hello emacs" 'face '(:foreground "red"))
>   nil nil 2 0 0)
> ```
> I expect above elisp expression should make a tooltip to display red text,
>  but it displayed white foreground text actualy.

This is the intended behavior.  The doc string of x-show-tip says:

  This is an internal function; Lisp code should call ‘tooltip-show’.

And the doc string tooltip-show says:

  The text properties of TEXT are also modified to add the
  appropriate faces before displaying the tooltip.  If your code
  depends on them, you should copy the tooltip string before
  passing it to this function.

The face in which the tooltip text is shown is determined by the
'tooltip' face.

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