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Re: Emacs graphical frontends / responsiveness

From: Jordan Ellis Coppard
Subject: Re: Emacs graphical frontends / responsiveness
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 23:11:55 +0900

On 21/10/2024 4:30 am, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
This is too general.  Please describe specific situations where this
happens, and please accompany that by the list of optional features
you have turned ON

If it happens again I shall, I've just replied in this general email-tree regarding a set of patches from Ben Simms I applied which (might) have fixed the issue; I also updated to HEAD (at the time) to rebuild Emacs so it could have been many things. I've experienced no such slowdown since then. As in my other reply if I do I'll perform a proper comparison (minimal reproduction, emacs -Q, config etc).

show-paren-delay runs off the idle timer, which means it only kicks in
when Emacs detects that it's "idle": it processed the last command and
has no pending input.  Even if you set the delay to zero, the function
which looks for and highlights the matching paren will only be called
when Emacs is idle.  If you type fast enough, it will _never_ be
called.  This is by design: most of such features (at least those of
them that are well-designed) are coded to stay away and not to
interfere with the fast typists among us.  I guess similar features in
Helix, Neovim, etc. are based on different principles.  If you want an
immediate highlighting of the matching parens in Emacs, you will need
a different mode, not show-paren-mode.

It turns out I wasn't setting show-paren-delay correctly. I was setting it the same way I do other variables whose effects were being enacted but for some reason show-paren-delay was still it's default 0.125. Using setq-default before show-paren-mode now works as expected. It's been a while since I changed that but I believe I misread the docs on how to apply that setting so that's my mistake.

I don't know if it's possible.  I do know that it is very hard,
because Emacs wants to control the GUI completely -- and it must do so
to let our users do the crazy, sometimes insane, stuff by writing
relatively simple Lisp.  If someone knows how to decouple while
keeping what makes Emacs Emacs -- such ideas, let alone code, will be
very welcome.

Perhaps (as a barely educated guess) an actor-based approach might work? Similar to how Erlang's VM handles messaging. If I had the time I would give it a crack (and I think I'd need a lot of time, there's lots to learn) so beyond my simple statement there I don't think I have any further useful insight on approaches.

Happy hacking!

I've replied (by proxy) regarding some of your points to other emails in this email-tree but also thank you for your reply! A very long one from me as I put this in my TODO pile and forgot when I further placed 100 more things on-top.

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