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Re: Emacs graphical frontends / responsiveness

From: Jordan Ellis Coppard
Subject: Re: Emacs graphical frontends / responsiveness
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 22:57:43 +0900

On 21/10/2024 4:39 am, Suhail Singh wrote:
This is odd.  Starting from emacs -Q, when does this issue manifest
itself?  Specifically, is this the case when typing in a new text buffer
(pointing to a local file, and not over the network) in
fundamental-mode?  If not, what's the minimal reproducible example
starting from emacs -Q?  If you have already submitted a bug-report with
those details, could you please post the reference?

Between now and then I have stopped using hotfuzz (https://github.com/axelf4/hotfuzz) which implements a completion style similar to Emacs' flex but as a dynamic module.

I don't know if it's something to do with their code, or Emacs NS (as they do report some benchmarks showing hotfuzz is faster) but it turns out /that/ was the reason for major slowdowns while typing with completion. Orderless and Emacs' built-in flex and basic are fast enough so this was premature optimisation by me perhaps; I was even basing my memory off of a configuration without native compilation too.

So: no hotfuzz and it's fast, some teeny tiny slowdown in huge lists but nothing like before.

I think typing in the buffer was due to diff-hl in combination with some (apparent) bug whereby fringes and margins were always redrawn on Emacs NS and were redrawn using expensive bezier curves. I believe Ben Simms found this out, and I've been using his patches (https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/compare/master...simmsb:better-emacs-ns-graphics:master) since shortly after my initial email with no slowdown at all.

That's not an apples to apples comparison; but I'm already behind on some work I should be doing and didn't have enough time to perform a proper comparison.

I believe Ben's patches might land in master soon so once they are in I could try with a build from master, without additional patches, and see if lag occurs again for a more up-to-date baseline of any potential problem.

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