On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 5:06 AM Ergus <spacibba@aol.com> wrote:
Hi Liu:
I totally understand the point.
Whats was surprising for me is that the non-default options works way
better than the default one for users with Ipython.
I tried already the links you share and sincerely the jedi completion is
still way worst than the IPython one.
So, for the moment I will just disable the native completion and rely in
the legacy one.
The native completion has some advantages, e.g. it can work in
multi-line block, and it doesn't lead to discontinuous IPython In/Out
prompts. If you like the IPython completion produced by
'python-shell-completion-setup-code', you can replace the default
readline completer with a custom one.
For example, you may add the following code to the PYTHONSTARTUP file,
which should provide same IPython completions as the legacy one.
def my_setup_IPythonRL():
import readline, re, json
def filter_c(prefix, c):
if re.match('_+(i?[0-9]+)?$', c):
return False
elif c[0] == '%' and not re.match('[%a-zA-Z]+$', prefix):
return False
return True
class IPythonRL:
def complete(self, text, state):
if state == 0:
from IPython.core.completer import provisionalcompleter
with provisionalcompleter():
self.matches = [json.dumps([
[c.text, c.start, c.end, c.type or '?',
c.signature or '']
for c in
get_ipython().Completer.completions(text, len(text))
if filter_c(text, c.text)])]
except Exception:
return self.matches[state]
except IndexError:
return None
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
readline.parse_and_bind("set completion-ignore-case on")
readline.parse_and_bind("set show-all-if-unmodified")
readline.parse_and_bind("set show-all-if-ambiguous on")
readline.parse_and_bind('set colored-completion-prefix off')
readline.parse_and_bind('set colored-stats off')
readline.parse_and_bind("set completion-prefix-display-length 2")
import os
if os.getenv('INSIDE_EMACS'):
print('REPL completion using custom IPython completer')
except NameError:
from jedi.utils import setup_readline
except ImportError: