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Re: scratch/igc: Keeping a TODO list?

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: scratch/igc: Keeping a TODO list?
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 11:01:26 +0000

Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes:

>> If yes, is it a good idea to continue using this file as the canonical
>> TODO, or should we keep such a list in some other format or file?
>> I suppose we could use the bug tracker, but it's harder to get an
>> overview there, for example it's hard to see at a glance which items are
>> important blockers and which are just optional extras or some weird use
>> case like "I tried the branch on my PDP-11 and it doesn't run".
> I'd propose to use an Org file.

Sounds good to me.

> Much better than a plain text file, after some getting used to.

I'm a heavy Org user, so no problem with that here.

The file would likely be merged into etc/TODO before we merge to master,
so we don't need everyone to love the format.  It's fully workable to
visit Org files in fundamental-mode even, if it comes to it.

>> First, I see that the admin/IGC-TODO file was last updated in May.  At
>> minimum, could someone (Gerd?) please update the file to remove the
>> items that have been fixed or done since, or even delete it?
> So, that file can go.

Thanks, so I deleted the file.  Let's start fresh with a new file.
Maybe admin/igc-todo.org makes sense, to put it next to admin/igc.org,
to decrease the risk of forgetting about it.

I'd also refer to it at the top of igc.c, at least for now.

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