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Re: New "make benchmark" target

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: New "make benchmark" target
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 12:58:23 -0600

Andrea Corallo <acorallo@gnu.org> writes:

> Yes, elisp-benchmark is running all the selected benchmarks at each
> iteration, so that a single one cannot take advantaged of the initial
> cool CPU state.  If unstable throttling on a specific system is a
> problem this will show up as computed error for that test.  If a system
> is throttling the right (and only) thing to do is to measure it, this is
> in my experience what benchmarks do.
> That said tipically Eli is right, the typical use of a benchmark suite
> is to run it as a whole and look at the total results, this indeed
> accounts for avg throttling as well.

May I propose writing down some general usage notes along the lines of
the above somewhere?

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