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Re: Prefer to split along the longest edge

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Prefer to split along the longest edge
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 17:24:58 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

> To clarify: I was talking only about this particular toggle, not about
> "other display-buffer options".  The difference is that those other
> options already exist, so removing or redesigning them is not easy at
> best, and thus probably isn't worth our while.

Which _toggle_ do you mean?  The option we were talking about here is

  There is another aspect that still can't be customized.
  The choice of the window to split is hard-coded
  in 'display-buffer-pop-up-window'.  It's either
  the largest window or lru:

and the primary client of such an option would be probably the program
calling 'display-buffer' and not the user.


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