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Re: [NonGNU ELPA] new package: eglot-inactive-regions

From: Filippo Argiolas
Subject: Re: [NonGNU ELPA] new package: eglot-inactive-regions
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2024 10:21:24 +0100

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

> Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com> writes:
>> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>>> Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>>>>> Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>> Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>>> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>>>>>>>> I would try something of the form like
>>>>>>>>   (if (fboundp 'new-function)
>>>>>>>>       (new-function ...)
>>>>>>>>     (old-function ...))
>>>>>>>> If on the other hand there has already been a new release of Eglot with
>>>>>>>> these commands, then just depend on that version and the issue would
>>>>>>>> resolve itself.
>>>>>>> CC-ing João.
>>>>>>> I pushed the suggested change but I still get the compile warnings about
>>>>>>> deprecated functions. I'd like to keep supporting emacs-29, should I
>>>>>>> just disregard the warning?
>>>>>>> Sorry for the ignorance, how would the dependency on a specific eglot
>>>>>>> version work now that it's in core?
>>>>>>> Does it require the users to have additional repos enabled?
>>>>>>> Sounds strange to me that we have macros to deprecate functions but no
>>>>>>> mechanism to automatically switch to the new one if it's just a
>>>>>>> rename. Am I missing something obvious?
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Filippo
>>>>>> How about something like:
>>>>>>   ;; fallback to deprecated eglot functions
>>>>>>   (when (version< emacs-version "30")
>>>>>>     (defalias 'eglot-uri-to-path 'eglot--uri-to-path)
>>>>>>     (defalias 'eglot-range-region 'eglot--range-region))
>>>>>> or even something similar with a check on eglot version?
>>>>> That can be dangerous if other packages do fboundp checks and infer too
>>>>> much from that.  I would try to see if adding `declare-function's could
>>>>> help suppress the warnings?
>>>> Nope, the only solution working so far is to call the deprecated
>>>> functions with `with-no-warnings'.
>>>> Guess I'll go with this. I'd be fine with the warnings too if we didn't
>>>> have the annoying habit of scaring the end users with them :-)
>>> I don't have your source code available right now, my last suggestion
>>> would be to use `with-suppressed-warnings' where  you can suppress
>>> specific obsoletion warnings, but that requires Emacs 27.1 or newer.
>> Thanks this seems to do the trick!
> OK great, I'll add the package to NonGNU ELPA.  Can you just add a
> .elpaignore file that lists the "screenshot" directory to be excluded
> from the tarball?
> PS. Using the command "oxipng -o max -Z" I could compress one of the
> images by 49%.  You might also consider creating a SVG screenshot.

Great, thanks!  Added screenshots to ignore, let me know if I also have
to bump the release number.

One of these days I wanted to update screenshots as they look ugly on
lower res displays, will consider switching to SVG ones.

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