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Re: Missing entries for Perl in etags-regen-file-extensions -- okay for

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Missing entries for Perl in etags-regen-file-extensions -- okay for emacs-30?
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 04:09:22 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 21/09/2024 18:14, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

If you have reservations about some of the extensions, let's exclude
them for now.  I believe there are just a few of them, while the vast
majority should present no problem, right?  I'm okay with leaving out
HTML and Texinfo.  Are there more of those?  TeX, perhaps?

TeX yes. I'm also not sure about PostScript - but really because I still don't know how a function definition in that language looks, even after skimming through a manual.

Speaking of other extensions, isn't ".a" usually a compiled library rather than ASM source code? Also curious about ".t" for Scheme and ".ml" for Lisp.

Not much else jumps out, but if somebody else has suggestions what to remove, we should probably do so (for the release branch). Basically, whatever extensions that might be not very common for a given language and could create false hits.

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