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Re: Reconsider defaults for use-package-vc-prefer-newest

From: chad
Subject: Re: Reconsider defaults for use-package-vc-prefer-newest
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 18:12:00 -0400

On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 5:09 PM Martin Edstrom <meedstrom@runbox.eu> wrote:
The "catastrophe" would be a situation such as:

- In 2020, Developer releases Package for the first time
- In 2021, Developer tires of bumping Package-Version, leaves it at 0.9
- In 2024, Package is now at 2.2 according to the convenient git/hg tag, or maybe it has no official version beyond just ""
- User installs Package using (use-package :vc)
- User gets the version from 2021

You're describing the situation in terms of theoretical user results, but that's not how the code works, obviously. At some point, the code checks the user's value of use-package-vs-prefer-newest, sees whether it's the default or has been customized, and decides to fetch the new package contents or not. My rough understanding is, *in the non-VC case*, it downloads new archive-contents for the (each) entire archive regardless, and then I'm guessing that it currently uses the setting to determine whether to get a new version or not.

I don't know how the code path in the (use-package :vc) works, but presumably there's a clear point where the two behaviors (that is, vc-use-package's supposed former update-by-default versus use-package :vc's ...prefer-newer 'nil lack of update) diverge. I'm asking if there's a reasonable way to change the default behavior from the supposed-old yes-update and the current default wait-for-Package-version into something that leaves the package alone but warns the user, perhaps via *Messages*.

Put another way, your concern seems to be that people might not _realize_ that they're "stuck" on an older Package-Version revision. The alternative package "manager" code for emacs suggests that there is desire both for version pinning and direct-from-vcs-packages, so it's likely that there are users who prefer both alternatives, and emacs is often default-conservative in such matters, but it seems like it might be possible to have use-package do a little extra work in the default case to address the "not realize" part, rather than changing the updating behavior itself.

Hope that helps,

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