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Re: with-editor seems like a bug fix

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: with-editor seems like a bug fix
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 18:52:00 -0700

Manuel Giraud via "Emacs development discussions." <emacs-devel@gnu.org>

> FWIW, I have never yet encountered a case, where having the emacs server
> started and EDITOR set to "emacsclient" failed in the local case.
> That said, skimming through the with-editor's code, it seems to try real
> hard to find a correct emacsclient (even "remacsclient" for remacs!)  It
> even seems to start the emacs server if it is not already the case.  So
> I agree that it could be declared "broken" installations.

See also the previous discussion, starting here:


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