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Re: How to keep package greader updated?

From: Michelangelo Rodriguez
Subject: Re: How to keep package greader updated?
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 13:34:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

>> Ok, I fixed (hopefully!) copyright on these 2 files.
> Seems like it worked:

This is the output:
Package greader is source.

     Status: Source in ‘~/.emacs.d/elpa/greader/’ (unsigned).
    Version: 0.11.8
    Summary: No description available.
   Requires: emacs-26.1, seq-2.24, compat-
Other versions: 0.9.20 (gnu).


In order to use greader, you have to install either espeak and/or
speech-dispatcher and, in case of speech-dispatcher, it has to work.

If external packages work properly, using greader is easy:
'M-x greader-mode <ret>'
In the mode line appears "greader".

Then you press 'C-r <spc>' and greader starts reading, moving the
cursor at the start of the sentence it is reading at the moment.

To stop reading, just press '<spc>'.

If you want to change the language in which the text is spoken, press
'C-r l', and when asked to new language, digit the language iso code.
If you want to cycle throwgh available back-ends, you have to press
'C-r b'. With a prefix arg, this command asks you to type a back-end

Other features:
You can set a timer, enabling it with 'C-r t'.

With timer enabled, greader will read for time set in "greader-timer"
variable, which is customizable.

You can set a timer locally in the buffer you are reading with 'M-x 
Timer is expressed in minutes.

There is a variant of the timer feature, called "greader-tired-mode",
in which, when timer expires, and you don't press a key for a
customizable amount of seconds, greader will position the pointer at
last position when you pressed 'C-r <spc>'.

To enable tired mode, you have to press 'C-r s'.

More features are coming!

In other versions it reports "0.9.20"
So i should do something different than i done in the past?

>     http://elpa.gnu.org/devel/greader.html
>> But when i try to rebuild the package locally in elpa the errors still
>> persists.
>> I replaced the folder "elpa/packages/greader" with my own local
>> directory, but it does'nt change.
> The `make build/<foo>` command doesn't use the "current code" but uses
> the code that was committed (it first does a `git stash`, basically).
> Maybe that's what you're seeing?
>         Stefan

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