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Re: [BR] Clipboard support on macOS and Org 9.7

From: Juergen Fenn
Subject: Re: [BR] Clipboard support on macOS and Org 9.7
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 22:16:10 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Am 18.06.24 um 09:37 Uhr schrieb Robert Pluim:
>     Juergen> Such questions get very few answers on StackExchange, if any.
>     Juergen> What do I do with pkg-config? Will it just work out of the box 
> after
>     Juergen> installing it with Homebrew, or do I have to call it with the 
> configure
>     Juergen> script?
> Just install it. The emacs configure script uses it to query packages
> such as GnuTLS for include and library locations. You can check
> configure.log to see if itʼs being used successfully.

You were right. pkg-config did the trick. Newly released Emacs 29.4
compiles alright with GnuTLS under macOS Sonona. Thanks, again, for your

My bug report on Org Mode follows next.

I'm sorry for my late reply. I'm afraid, I felt too busy during the last
week …


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