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Re: [BR] Clipboard support on macOS and Org 9.7

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: [BR] Clipboard support on macOS and Org 9.7
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 09:37:25 +0200

>>>>> On Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:25:16 +0200, Juergen Fenn <jfenn@gmx.net> said:

    Juergen> Am 17.06.24 um 14:05 Uhr schrieb Robert Pluim:
    >> That means youʼre using the cli tools, not the GnuTLS library. Perhaps
    >> you need to have pkg-config installed as well in order for configure
    >> to find the includes and the library.

    Juergen> I had no problems compiling Emacs under Ventura with the Command 
    Juergen> Tools. GnuTLS was installed even then. Just configure -- make -- 
    Juergen> install. I did that for 29.1 to 29.3. The process seems to change 
    Juergen> each macOS version (and the next one is just around the corner). 
It got
    Juergen> much more complicated under Sonoma because now it does no more 
    Juergen> to deactive Gatekeeper, you also have to unpack the tarball on the
    Juergen> command line (i.e., not in Finder), otherwise the Emacs you 
compile from
    Juergen> the source later won't run on your platform. That's funny, isn't 

The way I compile emacs hasnʼt changed across 2 different HW platforms
and at least 3 different macOS versions. But then again I build from a
git checkout, not tarballs.

    Juergen> Such questions get very few answers on StackExchange, if any.

    Juergen> What do I do with pkg-config? Will it just work out of the box 
    Juergen> installing it with Homebrew, or do I have to call it with the 
    Juergen> script?

Just install it. The emacs configure script uses it to query packages
such as GnuTLS for include and library locations. You can check
configure.log to see if itʼs being used successfully.


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