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Re: Submitting Dslide to Non-GNU ELPA

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Submitting Dslide to Non-GNU ELPA
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 13:28:55 +0000

Psionic K <psionik@positron.solutions> writes:

>> Has development stopped on org-tree-slide?  Or is this a proper fork?
> Fork, but almost a ground-up rewrite.  Only the slide header
> generation and related customize options are recognizable.
> Before I decided on a complete rewrite, I submitted some changes to
> org-tree-slide.  They are not in master:
> https://github.com/takaxp/org-tree-slide/commits/develop

So you are pretty sure there is no chance your changes could get

>> Here are a few comment
> On first pass, I find most changes agreeable and intend to clean out
> behaviors that lead to my versions.  Did you use a tool to scan for
> these changes?

I didn't use any static analysis tools (beyond my own eyes), if you mean

        Philip Kaludercic on peregrine

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