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Re: [ELPA] New package: listen

From: Adam Porter
Subject: Re: [ELPA] New package: listen
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 22:15:44 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Philip,

On 2/25/24 07:45, Philip Kaludercic wrote:

The `seq' library is used in the file, so shouldn't this line be present?

Sorry, should have explained that.  If you depend on Emacs 29, then seq
is preloaded, so you don't need the line.  If you prefer to, you can
keep it in though.

I'll keep it for now, because I'm not ruling out the possibility of supporting earlier versions at some point.

Hmm, I just went by the convention used in auto-mode-alist here (the
trick to remember \\' is that \\' and \\' always occur in the same order
as you would quote a symbol in a docstring).

This is why I like `rx'.  :)

As the `listen-faces' group is within the `listen' group, I would
think that that its faces are related to `listen' goes without saying.

But that context would be missing if you were to use something like

Good point.  I'll fix that.

No, thanks.  I'm aware of this minor tradition, but I disagree with it.

I wouldn't call it a minor tradition (e.g. in Scheme the return value of
`when' is unspecified.  CLtL2 says "If the value is relevant, then it
may be stylistically more appropriate to use and or if."), and I am
curious why you disagree with it, but you are of course free to do as
you want.

Well, Elisp isn't Scheme, and CLtL2 seems to say that it is exactly a minor tradition. :)

I don't like it for a few reasons:

1. Using AND puts the conditional expressions on the same level, visually and logically, as the value. In contrast, using WHEN cleanly separates the condition(s) from the value. IMO that's a significant advantage, as it makes the purpose of the code much clearer.

2. WHEN's indentation also saves space, helping to avoid long lines or awkwardly wrapped ones.

There were a few other places where you did (delq nil (mapcar ...)) that
might be replaced by this pattern.

I confess that I've hardly ever used MAPCAN in any of my code--still, I'm not sure how that would help to avoid that pattern. For example:

  (let ((a '(1 nil 2 nil 3))
        (b '(4 nil 5 nil 6)))
    (mapcan #'identity (list a b)))

  ;; (1 nil 2 nil 3 4 nil 5 nil 6)

But I'm probably missing something.

Not really, if you don't care about compiler warnings.  It just seems
like the kind of things that could cause problems at some later time,
when definitions are moved around.

I do care about compiler warnings--I wrote makem.sh to catch such warnings in my projects before they reach users--but in this case, that code's not going anywhere, because it's already with bookmark-related code.

Ah, the `t did confuse me momentarily, but in that case you can replace
the (guard ...) with (and 't (guard ...)).

As much as I advocate using pcase and its powerful expressions, I think that would make this example harder to follow. The pcase pattern is used to test an argument, and the string test is a separate concern.

@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ PROMPT is passed to `format-prompt', which see."
       (when current-track
         (cl-callf2 delete current-track tracks))
-    (setf n (length tracks))
+    (setf n (length tracks))   ;why the variable?

Because the value is used elsewhere in the function.  Am I missing
something?  (Anyway, as noted in the source, I did not write that

Then I missed something, because I just saw the variable being declared
in the let-head, set here and used once later.

It's used in two places, and it would be undesirable to recalculate the list's length every time through the loop.

My understanding was that you were handling the case where files could
be renamed, but if that is not your concern, then disregard the comment.

Handling the case of files being renamed "out from under" the queue seems like a non-trivial problem to solve well. The `listen-library' command and view record the initial paths used, i.e. both directories and files, but the queue only records filenames, so if those are changed, there's not a reliable way to rediscover the renamed files. AFAIK other music library software handles it by removing the now-missing files from its database and rescanning the whole directory tree to find new files--but even that wouldn't replace tracks in a playlist if their underlying files disappear. `listen' doesn't keep a database, just queues of tracks. So I don't know if this particular problem is reasonably solvable. (Again, it can only happen if the user intentionally renames files during playback, which I discovered while tidying up the metadata on some of my files.)

Formatting.  Emacs highlights the "nil t" as occurring in-between closed
parentheses, since it can be easily missed.

Yes, but in this case, the "nil t" is a common enough pattern that I'm willing to allow it to be a "trailer" to avoid "nil t" on a line by themselves.

"Out Of Bounds"?  What do you mean?  VLC returns a value from 0-255,
and `volume' is specified to be an integer percentage (i.e. from
0-100).  As far as I can tell, this works correctly.

I couldn't infer that from reading the function, so I wondered what
happens when `volume' is not between 0 and 100.  Perhaps a cl-assert
would be nice to have.

Good idea.  I'll add that.

If this function fails, I want it to signal an error, not return nil.

Am I missing something, or where will the error be signaled?  If the
pattern doesn't match, the match data won't be modified, and you'll
extract arbitrary substrings out of TIME. `String-to-number' doesn't
raise an error on malformed input,

   (string-to-number "31-") ;=> 31 (#o37, #x1f, ?\C-_)
   (string-to-number "x")   ;=> 0 (#o0, #x0, ?\C-@)
   (string-to-number "")    ;=> 0 (#o0, #x0, ?\C-@)

the only exception being if there was no match data for some n

   (string-to-number (match-string 100)) ;signals (wrong-type-argument stringp 

If you want to signal an error, then I think the robust thing would be
to check if `string-match' succeeds as proposed above, but using an `if'
not a `when' to raise an error in the ELSE case.

It could be more robust, yes. Note that this function is only passed a string read from the user and returns an integer, so if it fails, it's not a big deal. I'll think about how to make it fail more usefully...

On the topic of the readme/manual, wouldn't it be better to have a
separate README file?  Then again, the manual is pretty short, and I
don't know if it is worth having it in the first place...

As you said, this readme is currently trivial.  Were it larger,
however--well, I have other packages with much larger readmes that are
also converted to manuals.  There would not be much gained by
separating into files.

I don't think that is a good practice.  A README for when you have
fetched the sources and want to figure out what is what, a manual for
when you have already installed a package and a package description for
when you are previewing a package using C-h P are three different
things.  One shouldn't cover all of it with the same file if you ask me,
since they all have different audiences with different levels of

I don't know about that. Especially for small packages with trivial documentation. Maintaining documentation and commentaries, keeping them reasonably in sync, etc. is enough work without having them split into multiple files. Having a README.org which is viewable at the package's repo also generate the manual is a relief to me.

Also, your README includes this line
    :vc (:fetcher github :repo "alphapapa/listen.el")
which is malformed.

I just tested that, and it works for me.

On Emacs 30?  That is not the code we merged...

No, I'm using Emacs 29 with `vc-use-package'. Its documentation seems to suggest that it uses the same format as that merged into Emacs 30, since it says that its features were merged into Emacs 30.

Maybe `vc-use-package's documentation should be updated to reflect this?

What you want is
    :vc (:url "https://github.com/alphapapa/listen.el";)

Ok, so no ".git" on the end (i.e. relying on the GitHub redirect)? And does this mean that none of the host-specific "fetchers" are available in Emacs 30? (Which FTR is fine with me, as the URL should be enough, I'm just curious.)


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