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Re: Incorrect font weight selected

From: Yuri D'Elia
Subject: Re: Incorrect font weight selected
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:08:21 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.7.5; emacs 29.0.50

On Wed, Jan 05 2022, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> I believe you.  But the problem is that there are so many different
> use patterns with fonts and faces that it is impossible to test all
> the consequences in such a short time, certainly by a single
> individual.


> Then maybe I didn't realize what problem are you trying to solve.
> Does the problem happen only with new frames?  At least Sean Whitton
> said in this thread that his problems caused by 1b2511f are not with
> new frames, AFAIU.

Before guessing too much, can we get some comments from Sean and Dmitry?
Any change either can comment on the patch and/or behavior?

I think this was simply confounded by the fact that starting with
--daemon changes the startup semantics and immediately results in a new
graphical frame being created. Took me a while to notice/debug the exact
behavior, and the possibilities setting up the default faces during
startup are numerous.

> I don't think this would be correct, since frames are supposed to be
> independent wrt faces.

MMh, yes, and no? I definitely understand this reasoning, and we need to
support that no questions here. But purely as as user, when I'm editing
with multiple frames and I change the default font I certainly want all
old and new frames to change as a result, which is why we have this odd
dance. Maybe the user interface to do that is odd. I totally agree that
looking at the big picture, it's... a mess. I wrote some toughs on how
this plays with themes and customize in "custom-theme-set-faces/face
inheritance and delayed face initialization".

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