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Re: [SPAM UNSURE] Maybe we're taking a wrong approach towards tree-sitte

From: Perry E. Metzger
Subject: Re: [SPAM UNSURE] Maybe we're taking a wrong approach towards tree-sitter
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 18:13:17 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.0

On 7/30/21 08:06, Arthur Miller wrote:
I undestand that having specialized regex matcher is more efficient than
some generalized regular matcher current font-locking in Emacs relies
upon, but is it *that* more efficient to be worth the extra troubles?

It is not a question of efficiency. You cannot parse a context free grammar using regular expressions. The reason that almost all our highlight modes produce random garbage throughout is that you cannot parse a context free grammar using regular expressions. (For many languages, correctness isn't just occasionally violated, it's generally violated.)

Reliable highlighting regardless of code formatting, reliable indentation assistance, reliable code folding, and other such features require that the editor be able to both parse the program being edited _and_ that the editor be able to incrementally re-parse it as it changes in minimal time.

Other editors now have such features and make good use of them. Highly reliable code folding alone is worth the price of admission IMHO. (Currently, the best we can do for code folding is assume that the indentation is correct.)

LSP has been revolutionary in improving the programmer's experience in Emacs. Tree Sitter will provide significant additional improvement.

TS seem to keep state (a node) for each character typed, that will be a
lot of memory consumed in some big files.

No one will be forced to turn it on. I, however, almost certainly will. My productivity is more important to me than my RAM budget. Those that don't like it, though, won't have to pay the RAM tax.


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