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Re: declare function/macro private

From: Robin Tarsiger
Subject: Re: declare function/macro private
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 12:26:44 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.10.2

Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> But...  I think I agree with people that this isn't really the way to
> go -- the current convention provides more information than the declare
> would do (most of all, it says what the prefix is).

FWIW, when I saw this thread, what I imagined was something like
(put 'foo--check-baz 'warn-if-used-outside '("foo-")) underneath,
probably with a function for applying that to a lot of symbols at
once. But the lack of a real package system could make that slow
if nothing else---AFAIK obarrays don't do any prefix indexing,
since they're described as hash tables?


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