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Re: emacsclient in elisp

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: emacsclient in elisp
Date: Sat, 22 May 2021 10:31:47 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> So we will enter read-from-minibuffer, and read the stuff from stdin
> till the first newline.  How do we know what's there is for us, not
> for the stdin-process?

This is a question to ask the programmers who decided to use both at the
same time: it'll be their responsibility to arrange for the calls to
those functions to happen at the right time in the right order and for
the communication protocol to be designed accordingly.  I don't think
there's much we can do on our side.

> The scenario is that we have the process for reading from stdin, but
> some function we called decides to ask the user.

BTW, a plain (while <read-from-minibuffer> <process-command>) setup we
can have the same problem: if one of the functions called by
<process-command> decides unexpectedly to call `read-from-minibuffer`,
it can wreak havoc in your communication protocol.

Again, there's nothing we can do about it on our side: it's the
responsibility of the programmers writing that code to make sure it
doesn't happen.


PS: Admittedly, using a process object will make things a bit worse,
  since, contrary to `read-from-minibuffer`, the programmer has no real
  control over the amount of data read by `accept-process-output`
  before it's passed to the process filter, which is why I said above
  that it's also a question of protocol-design to make sure that if
  there's data meant for `read-from-minibuffer` some mechanism in the
  protocol should make sure it won't be sent while Emacs is inside

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