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Re: [External] : Re: Concern about new binding.

From: Ergus
Subject: Re: [External] : Re: Concern about new binding.
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 00:57:35 +0100

On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 06:43:31PM +0000, Drew Adams wrote:
And I've now moved the binding to `C-x x g', which should un-annoy
Magit users.

There's been suggestions for other buffer-related commands to put on
the `C-x x' keymap, and I'm adding a few of those, too.  Feel free to make
further suggestions.
Please don't bind `C-x x' by default.  That's
my suggestion.

Bookmark+ uses `C-x x' (having been forced off
of `C-x p').

What if (just getting crazy) you consider adding some/most of the
bookmark+ functionalities to vanilla and they will go in the `C-x r` map
with the other bookmark commands (C-x r b, C-x r m and so on)???  Like
diredx for dired or and many other examples...

Even extending the current `C-x r` is a better choice than taking a
binding only for this... It will help to discover the commands when
using which-key for example and avoid the user learn and sacrifice
another prefix combination.

I don't want to argue about this, it is just a suggestion because I
wanted to use bookmark+ long time ago, but I finally never tried it
because 1) it is not in elpa or melpa or vanilla (so I will need to
manually maintain it updates) and 2) because I will have to sacrifice a
binding just for it...

It is just my opinion...
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