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Re: minibuffer keybinding cheatsheet and launcher

From: Ergus
Subject: Re: minibuffer keybinding cheatsheet and launcher
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 14:58:18 +0200

Hi Boruch:

I am trying to test the package (because I don't really understand what
it does) but I can't make it work

I evaluated the code and then

M-x key-assist

and I got a prompt but after that what should I do? Tab just inserts a
tab (no autocompletion), RET says "No choices found", inserting a
pattern and TAB shows the commands and the bindings but I can't select

BTW: Emacs 28 already has a new variable 'suggest-key-bindings'

** When 'suggest-key-bindings' is non-nil, the completion list of 'M-x'
shows equivalent key bindings for all commands that have them.

Does this functionality overlap somehow with your package?


On Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 08:23:22AM -0400, Boruch Baum wrote:
Two days ago, I posted to the emacs bug list (#43709) a proposed code
contribution that hasn't gotten much feedback, so here's a summary and link:

  bug#43709: minibuffer keybinding cheatsheet and launcher

  If you've ever used packages such as `ivy' or `magit', you've
  probably benefited from each's custom combination keybinding
  cheatsheet and launcher: `hydra' in the case of `ivy', and
  `transient' for `magit'. The current package `key-assist'
  attempts to offer a generic and very simple alternative requiring
  only the `completing-read' function commonly used in core vanilla
  emacs. `key-assist' is trivial to implement "on-the-fly"
  interactively for any buffer, and programmatically much simpler
  to customize that either `hydra' or `transient'. And did I
  mention that it only requires `completing-read'?

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