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Re: dash.el [was: Re: Imports / inclusion of s.el into Emacs]

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: dash.el [was: Re: Imports / inclusion of s.el into Emacs]
Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 21:39:55 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.7.0

On 22.05.2020 17:32, João Távora wrote:
Meanwhile, lsp-mode developers will address similar reports directly,
without footballing the users.
They regularly solve LSP server bugs in lsp-mode? Very bad
idea. Relying
on features is one thing, relying on bugs is another thing entirely.
Did that report concern a bug in a language server? It didn't look
that way to me.
I wasn't speaking of any particular one. I was telling how we work with
Eglot users that report server bugs to us.  You talked about
"footballing users" and how lsp-mode adress them "directly".  I assumed
that means they hack lsp-mode.el of lsp-foo.el to work around server
bugs, but I really have no idea.  In fact I don't know what we're
talking about anymore, I have to admit.

We're talking about this issue you mentioned: https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot/issues/363

The resolution there, it seems, is that the user must discover which data, and in which format, to add to eglot-workspace-configuration for stuff to work as expected.

In the meantime (as I have just found out by doing a search), lsp-rust both contains this setting at a reasonable default:


...and exposes the possible values of this setting in a well-documented user option:


So, which of these two approaches to development does look more "integrated" to you?

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