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Re: Where is the eln search path defined

From: Alex Bennée
Subject: Re: Where is the eln search path defined
Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 19:35:44 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.6; emacs 28.0.50

Andrea Corallo <address@hidden> writes:

> Andrea Corallo <address@hidden> writes:
>> I really have to update elisp-benchmarks on elpa.
> Hi Alex, with the latest elpa elisp-benchamrks (1.5) just
> .../emacs -batch -l .../elisp-benchmarks.el -f elisp-benchmarks-run 
> should now do everything automatically, using native-comp if available
> or the byte-compiler otherwise.

That's better:

* Results

  | test           | non-gc avg (s) | gc avg (s) | gcs avg | tot avg (s) | tot 
avg err (s) |
  | bubble-no-cons |          12.92 |       0.05 |       1 |       12.97 |      
      0.05 |
  | bubble         |          10.40 |       1.06 |       1 |       11.46 |      
      1.04 |
  | dhrystone      |          16.78 |       0.00 |       0 |       16.78 |      
      0.21 |
  | fibn-rec       |          11.39 |       0.00 |       0 |       11.39 |      
      0.02 |
  | fibn-tc        |           7.94 |       0.00 |       0 |        7.94 |      
      0.03 |
  | fibn           |          23.42 |       0.00 |       0 |       23.42 |      
      0.03 |
  | inclist        |           8.17 |       0.04 |       1 |        8.21 |      
      0.04 |
  | listlen-tc     |           0.86 |       0.00 |       0 |        0.86 |      
      0.01 |
  | nbody          |           9.30 |       0.88 |       1 |       10.18 |      
      0.14 |
  | pidigits       |          29.79 |       5.77 |       1 |       35.57 |      
      7.13 |
  | total          |         130.97 |       7.81 |       5 |      138.78 |      
      7.21 |

I guess I need to enable async compilation now to ensure all the various
elpa/melpa packages are compiled.

Alex Bennée

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