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Re: What is GNU ELPA?

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: What is GNU ELPA?
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 13:49:58 +0300
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On 18.05.2020 06:53, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

   > > The idea that occurs to me is to make M-x load-package tell them,
   > > occasionally.  Perhaps the first time each user runs it.
   > > Perhaps once a year after that.

   > The first time it is run sounds fine to me. "A years later" sounds more
   > puzzling. Although it all depends on what we actually want to write there.

The idea is that it would somehow record the date when it shows you
the explanation.  For the following year, it would not show the
explanation again.  After that, the next use would show the
explanation again.  For the following year, it would not show the
explanation again.

I got that.

The idea is to remind you occasionally but avoid doing that so often
that you would be annoyed.

Probably not too annoying, yes. But the info has to be really important that we'd tell it our users every year.

   > If there was a more prominent place where Emacs introduced the users to
   > ELPA (say, Getting Started guide, the tutorial, or the startup screen),
   > some extra explanation could also be there.

I agree, mostly.

The explanation does not need to be in the startup screen, where there
is no space for it.  Rather, the startup screen would tell you to run
load-package, and load-package the first time would show you this

'M-x list-packages', you mean.

The startup screen might be too cramped, indeed. The other options could be better, though.

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