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Re: Making Emacs popular again with a video

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: Making Emacs popular again with a video
Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 12:55:04 +0200

>>>>> On Thu, 14 May 2020 01:14:36 -0400, Richard Stallman <address@hidden> 
>>>>> said:

    Richard> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    
    Richard> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     
    Richard> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. 

    >> By the way, I probably wouldn't try to identify Emacs as just a text
    >> editor longer. Personally I see Emacs as en extensible platform,

    Richard> I designed Emacs to be a text editor.

    Richard> I am disappointed that people extend Emacs ONLY to do other 
    Richard> jobs while NOT extending the kinds of text editing it will do.

What, specifically, is missing in that area? If youʼre talking about
WYSIWYG-related features, I have free programs that can do that, and I
donʼt use them much directly: I use emacs to generate their format,
then touch up the results afterwards.


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