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RE: Why mouse-1/2/3 ?

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Why mouse-1/2/3 ?
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 09:00:50 -0700 (PDT)

> Neither have you managed to convince me that mouse-1-2-3 is valuable.
> I've seen one moderately convincing point about this relating to left-
> handed mice (suggesting that buttons should really be called inner,
> middle, and outer),

Which is "inner"/"outer"?  Just as problematic, if
not more so.  Maybe use medical terminology, using
anatomical terms of location - dorsal, ventral,
proximal, distal, etc.?

YAGNI.  Not sure whether "molehill" or "rabbit hole"
is the better label for this discussion now.  But
it's interesting, if only to consider whether those
who adopted `mouse-[1|2|3]' for Emacs were thinking
at all, or were just hopelessly un-"modern".

> but I haven't seen much of an argument in support
> of 1, 2, 3 except "that's how Emacs does it.

So you would use `mouse-[left|middle|right]', not
`mouse-[1|2|3]'.  But you would continue to use
`mouse-[4|5|...]'?  Or would you try for helpful
words for those too?  Remember that 4 and 5 can be
radically different things, depending on the mouse.

How about this additional argument (which I thought
was obvious, but it might help to make explicit):

1, 2, and 3 do not suggest as strongly that what's
meant are left, middle, and right.  And that's a
plus as much as it's a minus.

[1|2|3] is a minus for the very common case of a
common mouse used by a right-hander.  Yes, in that
common case `mouse-left' etc. is easier to guess.

[1|2|3] is a plus for the general case, which is
also the case for Elisp programmers.  The coupling
in thought/language between those names and actual
button positions is looser than the coupling from
names like `left'.

And this is presumably why sometimes the Emacs
(but not the Elisp) doc says something like
"`mouse-1' (the left mouse button)".  (It should
say "`mouse-1' (typically the left mouse button)"
(or "often").  

The [1|2|3] names are more abstract.  Yes, that
presents a disadvantage as well as an advantage.

If we were designing Emacs from scratch today, so
that any arguments about legacy or backward
compatibility were mute, would we choose to use

I would.  I think they make more sense for Emacs
and Elisp, in general, than [left|middle|right],
precisely because, even though they do serve well
enough for guessing button position in the common
case (IMO), they also suggest that such a mapping
is just that - the names are to some extent

This is analogous to using x1, x2, x3,... in math.
Those names are essentially arbitrary, but an
order, i.e., some mapping, is generally suggested.

> FWIW, I've been using Emacs for 10 years, with 7 years spent almost
> exclusively inside of it, and I don't find mouse-1-2-3 natural.  Given
> how uncommonly I use the middle and right mouse buttons in Emacs, it
> actually took me years to remember whether mouse-2 was the right mouse
> button or the middle one (it didn't help that one of my mice didn't
> have a scrollwheel, so counting the buttons left to right gave the
> wrong intuition, IIRC).

I think you gave at least one reason you had so
much trouble in that regard, for "years": you
don't often use `mouse-2' or `mouse-3'.

If you had used all three in Emacs, I'm betting
you would have learned quickly, at some point
during those "years", what each name stood for.

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