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Very annoying Flymake regression in Emacs 26.1

From: João Távora
Subject: Very annoying Flymake regression in Emacs 26.1
Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 22:35:50 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Eli, John,

I have noticed that I introduced quite an annoying regression in the
Flymake redesign that's about to make it it 26.1.

The bug happens like this. There's nothing wrong until 5.

 1. Navigate to a foo.c file
 2. Turn on M-x flymake-mode
 3. Because the legacy "proc" backend is active by default, flymake
 calls it and it makes its usual foo_flymake.c copies before doing its
 thing which is to call "CHK_SOURCES=foo_flymake.c make check-syntax"
 4. If there isn't such a target in the Makefile, or if there isn't any 
 the backend reports a failure and flymake.el considers it disabled.
 5. Nothing wrong until here, the problem is that the foo_flymake.c in
 step 3 is never cleaned up, and this starts littering the filesystem
 everytime you visit a .c file.

It's a very simple fix of moving an `unwind-protect' a level up the
tree. The diff looks big because of the indentation.  I attach it after
the sig. Sorry for noticing this so late in the game.


diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/flymake-proc.el b/lisp/progmodes/flymake-proc.el
index c5bb79fee6..4792a94530 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/flymake-proc.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/flymake-proc.el
@@ -772,43 +772,43 @@ flymake-proc-legacy-flymake
-        (let* ((cleanup-f (flymake-proc--get-cleanup-function 
-               (cmd-and-args (funcall init-f))
-               (cmd          (nth 0 cmd-and-args))
-               (args         (nth 1 cmd-and-args))
-               (dir          (nth 2 cmd-and-args))
-               (success nil))
+        (let ((cleanup-f (flymake-proc--get-cleanup-function buffer-file-name))
+              (success nil))
-              (cond
-               ((not cmd-and-args)
-                (flymake-log 1 "init function %s for %s failed, cleaning up"
-                             init-f buffer-file-name))
-               (t
-                (setq proc
-                      (let ((default-directory (or dir default-directory)))
-                        (when dir
-                          (flymake-log 3 "starting process on dir %s" dir))
-                        (make-process
-                         :name "flymake-proc"
-                         :buffer (current-buffer)
-                         :command (cons cmd args)
-                         :noquery t
-                         :filter
-                         (lambda (proc string)
-                           (let ((flymake-proc--report-fn report-fn))
-                             (flymake-proc--process-filter proc string)))
-                         :sentinel
-                         (lambda (proc event)
-                           (let ((flymake-proc--report-fn report-fn))
-                             (flymake-proc--process-sentinel proc event))))))
-                (process-put proc 'flymake-proc--output-buffer
-                             (generate-new-buffer
-                              (format " *flymake output for %s*" 
-                (setq flymake-proc--current-process proc)
-                (flymake-log 2 "started process %d, command=%s, dir=%s"
-                             (process-id proc) (process-command proc)
-                             default-directory)
-                (setq success t)))
+              (let* ((cmd-and-args (funcall init-f))
+                     (cmd          (nth 0 cmd-and-args))
+                     (args         (nth 1 cmd-and-args))
+                     (dir          (nth 2 cmd-and-args)))
+                (cond
+                 ((not cmd-and-args)
+                  (flymake-log 1 "init function %s for %s failed, cleaning up"
+                               init-f buffer-file-name))
+                 (t
+                  (setq proc
+                        (let ((default-directory (or dir default-directory)))
+                          (when dir
+                            (flymake-log 3 "starting process on dir %s" dir))
+                          (make-process
+                           :name "flymake-proc"
+                           :buffer (current-buffer)
+                           :command (cons cmd args)
+                           :noquery t
+                           :filter
+                           (lambda (proc string)
+                             (let ((flymake-proc--report-fn report-fn))
+                               (flymake-proc--process-filter proc string)))
+                           :sentinel
+                           (lambda (proc event)
+                             (let ((flymake-proc--report-fn report-fn))
+                               (flymake-proc--process-sentinel proc event))))))
+                  (process-put proc 'flymake-proc--output-buffer
+                               (generate-new-buffer
+                                (format " *flymake output for %s*" 
+                  (setq flymake-proc--current-process proc)
+                  (flymake-log 2 "started process %d, command=%s, dir=%s"
+                               (process-id proc) (process-command proc)
+                               default-directory)
+                  (setq success t))))
             (unless success
               (funcall cleanup-f))))))))

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