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Re: Releasing Emacs 26.1

From: Phil Sainty
Subject: Re: Releasing Emacs 26.1
Date: Mon, 07 May 2018 23:10:57 +1200
User-agent: Orcon Webmail

On 2018-05-07 19:32, Michael Albinus wrote:
Phil Sainty <address@hidden> writes:
#31355 is the only thing I'm involved in that I'd want to ensure
was included as, while it's minor, it's a regression from 25.
I don't see that this bug is a release stopper. In comparision, there
are more severe Tramp bugs I didn't commit to the release branch in
order to not destabilize it. They are waiting for Emacs 26.2.
If the bugs are in new functionality, I wouldn't see any issue with
leaving the improvements until the next release if necessary; but
I would have thought known regressions to behaviour which was working
properly in the previous stable release would be worth delaying the
new release to fix, if necessary.

I suppose I don't understand why there's any hurry to release 26.1.


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