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Re: emacs-diffs emails can get long subject if log starts with "*"

From: Yuri Khan
Subject: Re: emacs-diffs emails can get long subject if log starts with "*"
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:44:25 +0700

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 5:06 AM, Glenn Morris <address@hidden> wrote:

>> This has nothing to do with the asterisk.  The first paragraph of the
>> log message is taken to be the summary.  You get the same behaviour with
>> git format-patch or git log --oneline.
> Seems dumb to me for a thing that sends out mails not to include a check
> on subject length, so I'll probably attempt to patch that in.

Please don’t.

Git was designed around the patch emailing workflow. One commit is one
email message. The commit message summary is the subject. The rest of
the commit message is the message body. The actual diffs are either
attached or included inline.

The subject line’s role is to draw reader interest in a mailing list,
and to serve as an anchor for subsequent searches via the list of
messages. Similarly, the commit message summary’s role is to draw
reviewer interest, and to serve as an anchor for searches via git log
and gitk.

Many graphical MUAs and Git repository browsers handle long subjects
and summaries just fine.

Instead of arbitrarily chopping the subject line, we should all be
writing commits with concise and meaningful summaries.

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