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Re: About CEDET, Completion, and compilers

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: About CEDET, Completion, and compilers
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:40:49 +0100
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Am 13.03.2014 04:04, schrieb Eric M. Ludlam:
[ ... ]
Hi Eric,

yes, CEDET is a very interesting tool.

BTW just reading at SO an answer WRT to IDE's, which IMO also stresses the 
usefulness of further CEDET-development:


There was a remark in the thread saying something like:
CEDET provides a toolset, but no-one uses it - beside CEDET itself.

Maybe it's an occasion to make that point up:

As for me, the maybe silly reason is EIEIO. Never understood what it's good for 
- and didn't want to learn something not understood...
WRT what's reported from other OO-tools, was not surprised to experience 

The problem with OO-programming seems some hardly predictable multiplying of 
In addition EIEIO is written in Emacs Lisp, which isn't known to be very fast 

So at some point got the idea CEDET will never be reliably fast...

Sorry for that.
Given that's true - what about dropping EIEIO and re-building everything in 
plain Emacs Lisp?



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