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About CEDET, Completion, and compilers

From: Eric M. Ludlam
Subject: About CEDET, Completion, and compilers
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 23:04:40 -0400
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Hi all,

The long thread about "Emacs Contributions" that ended up being about Clang, CEDET, completion etc was interesting, and reveled problems people run into with CEDET, and possibly some misconceptions about what CEDET is with respect to the "completion" feature. I thought I would try and help explain a couple things, and I'll wrap up with my thoughts on some TODO items that will help make CEDET better for anyone who wants to help out.

For those who don't know me, I wrote the first versions of CEDET and maintain it over in the SourceForge repository. http://cedet.sf.net has lots of nifty explanations and pictures for anyone wanting to know more.

To start, CEDET is a group of very different tools, each of which covers a particular topic, and which work together to create a suite of features many associate with a modern IDE. That includes project management, tagging, smart completion, and code-generation tooling.

Each of these elements is built on a framework where the raw data needed, such as project definitions, tag lists, and templates is represented in an Emacs friendly data structure. One of CEDET's most important features is that data representation and the way it keeps it up to date. It allows a wide range of back-ends or tools to be implemented in Emacs with minimal fuss.

When someone talks about using Clang or other external compiler for "smart completion", there is a layer in CEDET where that tool can be integrated in as a new smart-completion back-end, allowing any user-facing tool built using CEDET APIs to work with this new tool. I don't really see using an external compiler as "competing" with CEDET. It is just a tool that fits into one corner of the big picture. External tools are likely to fail in many cases (ie - like when it isn't installed on a machine), and CEDET will simply revert back to the core mechanism.

Anyway, while using an external completion engine is nice for someone who just wants completion, it leaves out support for tagging, and the wide range of features you get with it. Fortunately, it is also possible to integrate in a compiler (if desired) to produce tags as well. In CEDET there is the tagging parser for C/C++ written in Emacs Lisp, plus an Exuberent CTags parser that can be used in its stead. Exuberent ctags is off by default simply because it isn't good enough, but it can be used for basic tagging for files not in buffers. If a compiler such as gcc were to be extended to help support CEDET, preferably (from my point of view) by creating CEDET compatible tags, that would also allow CEDET to parse files not in buffers, but it may not be robust enough to handle incremental parsing as you type the way the Emacs parser does. Fortunately, they do not need to be mutually exclusive. Both can be used at the same time and work together because the underlying data structure is well defined.

This is all just basic modularization stuff applied to a particular problem. Lets me discuss where CEDET tends to fall down. My hope is that this could inspire someone interested in participating who just needs a starting point.

Detecting & Managing projects:

You can't do completion without knowing the bounds and shape of your sources. One of the most common questions on the mailing list tends to be about setting up a "project" to get the tooling to work. There are so many ways to compile code, and the Make systems are generally opaque making this a challenging support issue for EDE. While I think the basic premise in EDE (the project management tool) is good, there is a diversity of support that is missing. A good project here is making the task of creating a project for Emacs to describe your code a bit easier.

Quality of the C++ parser:

It was frequently noted that C++ is hard to write parsers for. Fortunately, the current parser that is written in Emacs Lisp covers the basics, and because it is by nature very forgiving, filling in the gaps has proven within the reach of a wide range of people. Anyone who discovers a missing c++ feature should feel confident about being able to update the parser.

Quality of C++ completions:

The core completion engine here is also in pretty good shape, right up until you start playing around with templates and some other exciting c++ features. David Engster has gotten quite a bit working here, but I'll defer to him to explain this in more detail for anyone who wants to help out.

Performance, and Really Large projects:

There is a core problem in the way CEDET manages tags, which is that it keeps them all in memory. For large code bases, after working in them for a while, CEDET will make Emacs' memory use go up so much that a garbage collect spends more time swapping that collecting.

Fortunately, the entire system has been abstracted through some Emacs data structures that represent databases of tag tables. I have done some work to create databases using external tools such as GNU Global which fit into the system transparently providing tag data. One possible solution would be to develop a nice on-disk representation that is easy to search to move the bulk of the data out of the Emacs process.

Refactoring is non-existent:

I did start down a road with "semantic-symref" tools that can do primitive refactoring, but some of the key features, such as resolving polymorphism issues hasn't been implemented. The data is there, the logic just hasn't been implemented. At the moment it is mostly a fancy grep replacement.

Language X isn't supported:

The system that supports C++ has been generalized, and supports many languages. C++, Java, and Emacs Lisp are perhaps the best supported so far. There are a lot of opportunities to add support for new languages, or enhance an existing language support.

I hope this data is helpful.

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