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Re: maintain flymake.el

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: maintain flymake.el
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:32:23 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:31:46 +0100 Sebastian Wiesner <address@hidden> wrote: 

SW> 2013/12/14 Sebastian Wiesner <address@hidden>:
>> I hope to finish the document by tomorrow evening, and will come back
>> if it's done.

SW> I have completed the document now.  The final version is to be found
SW> at https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/wiki/Flycheck-versus-Flymake.
SW> It's a thorough write-up of the differences and similarities between
SW> Flycheck and Flymake, and probably also a comprehensive summary of the
SW> current issues and weaknesses in Flymake.

SW> Again, it's probably unfairly biased towards Flycheck.  I tried my
SW> best to be neutral, but I consider Flycheck superior and think that
SW> the design and implementation of Flymake are somewhat broken, so I may
SW> have failed to properly account for Flymake's features and strengths.
SW> Please excuse this, and feel free to correct any mistakes I may have
SW> made.

SW> Please also suggest improvements, such as additional aspects which
SW> should be covered, or report issues, such as missing details in the
SW> comparsion.

I thought it was a thorough comparison.  I'll let Leo, if he's willing,
answer any items.

We can't put Flycheck in Emacs as it stands, too many contributors
without copyright assignments.  If precedent holds, I would expect the
Emacs project to continue endorsing Flymake despite its shortcomings
because of the licensing.  Would you consider doing the necessary work
to make Flycheck part of Emacs?


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