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Re: 5x5 again

From: Vincent Belaïche
Subject: Re: 5x5 again
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 21:52:04 +0200


Sorry for my bzr-naivety. So, here is an updated patch relative to the
last revision.

I have inflated the scanty docstring with additional and hopefully
sufficient explanations.


=== modified file 'lisp/play/5x5.el'
--- lisp/play/5x5.el    2011-05-24 18:22:09 +0000
+++ lisp/play/5x5.el    2011-05-31 19:40:18 +0000
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@
     (define-key map [(control c) (control x)] #'5x5-crack-xor-mutate)
     (define-key map "n"                       #'5x5-new-game)
     (define-key map "s"                       #'5x5-solve-suggest)
+    (define-key map "<"                       #'5x5-solve-rotate-left)
+    (define-key map ">"                       #'5x5-solve-rotate-right)
     (define-key map "q"                       #'5x5-quit-game)
   "Local keymap for the 5x5 game.")
@@ -174,6 +176,9 @@
     ["Quit game"              5x5-quit-game t]
     ["Use Calc solver"        5x5-solve-suggest         t]
+    ["Rotate left list of Calc solutions"        5x5-solve-rotate-left     t]
+    ["Rotate right list of Calc solutions"       5x5-solve-rotate-right    t]
+    "---"
     ["Crack randomly"         5x5-crack-randomly         t]
     ["Crack mutating current" 5x5-crack-mutating-current t]
     ["Crack mutating best"    5x5-crack-mutating-best    t]
@@ -207,18 +212,21 @@
 5x5 keyboard bindings are:
-Flip                      \\[5x5-flip-current]
-Move up                   \\[5x5-up]
-Move down                 \\[5x5-down]
-Move left                 \\[5x5-left]
-Move right                \\[5x5-right]
-Start new game            \\[5x5-new-game]
-New game with random grid \\[5x5-randomize]
-Random cracker            \\[5x5-crack-randomly]
-Mutate current cracker    \\[5x5-crack-mutating-current]
-Mutate best cracker       \\[5x5-crack-mutating-best]
-Mutate xor cracker        \\[5x5-crack-xor-mutate]
-Quit current game         \\[5x5-quit-game]"
+Flip                        \\[5x5-flip-current]
+Move up                     \\[5x5-up]
+Move down                   \\[5x5-down]
+Move left                   \\[5x5-left]
+Move right                  \\[5x5-right]
+Start new game              \\[5x5-new-game]
+New game with random grid   \\[5x5-randomize]
+Random cracker              \\[5x5-crack-randomly]
+Mutate current cracker      \\[5x5-crack-mutating-current]
+Mutate best cracker         \\[5x5-crack-mutating-best]
+Mutate xor cracker          \\[5x5-crack-xor-mutate]
+Solve with Calc             \\[5x5-solve-suggest]
+Rotate left Calc Solutions  \\[5x5-solve-rotate-left]
+Rotate right Calc Solutions \\[5x5-solve-rotate-right]
+Quit current game           \\[5x5-quit-game]"
   (interactive "P")
   (setq 5x5-cracking nil)
@@ -331,9 +339,14 @@
                  (forward-char  (+ 1 (/ (1+ 5x5-x-scale) 2)))
                  (dotimes (x   5x5-grid-size)
                    (when (5x5-cell solution-grid y x)
+                     (if (= 0 (mod 5x5-x-scale 2))
+                         (progn
+                           (insert "()")
+                           (delete-region (point) (+ (point) 2))
+                           (backward-char 2))
                        (insert-char ?O 1)
                        (delete-char 1)
-                       (backward-char))
+                       (backward-char)))
                    (forward-char  (1+ 5x5-x-scale))))
                (forward-line  5x5-y-scale))))
        (setq 5x5-solver-output nil)))
@@ -790,6 +803,64 @@
   (5x5-draw-grid (list 5x5-grid))
+(defun 5x5-solve-rotate-left (&optional n)
+  "Rotate left by N the list of solutions in 5x5-solver-output.
+If N is not supplied rotate by 1, that is to say put the last
+element first in the list.
+The 5x5 game has in general several solutions.  For grid size=5,
+there are 4 possible solutions.  When function
+`5x5-solve-suggest' (press `\\[5x5-solve-suggest]') is called the
+solution that is presented is the one that needs least number of
+strokes --- other solutions can be viewed by rotating through the
+list. The list of solution is ordered by number of strokes, so
+rotating left just after calling `5x5-solve-suggest' will show
+the the solution with second least number of strokes, while
+rotating right will show the solution with greatest number of
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((len  (length 5x5-solver-output)))
+    (when (>= len 3)
+      (setq n (if (integerp n) n 1)
+           n (mod n (1- len)))
+      (unless (eq n 0)
+       (setq n  (- len n 1))
+       (let* ((p-tail (last 5x5-solver-output (1+ n)))
+              (tail (cdr p-tail))
+              (l-tail (last tail)))
+         ;;
+         ;;  For n = 2:
+         ;;
+         ;;  +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+
+         ;;  |M | ---->|S1| ---->|S2| ---->|S3| ---->|S4| ----> nil
+         ;;  +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+
+         ;;    ^                   ^         ^         ^
+         ;;    |                   |         |         |
+         ;;    + 5x5-solver-output |         |         + l-tail
+         ;;                        + p-tail  |
+         ;;                                  + tail
+         ;;
+         (setcdr l-tail (cdr 5x5-solver-output))
+         (setcdr 5x5-solver-output tail)
+         (unless (eq p-tail 5x5-solver-output)
+           (setcdr p-tail nil)))
+       (5x5-draw-grid (list 5x5-grid))
+       (5x5-position-cursor)))))
+(defun 5x5-solve-rotate-right (&optional n)
+  "Rotate right by N the list of solutions in 5x5-solver-output.
+If N is not supplied, rotate by 1.  Similar to function
+`5x5-solve-rotate-left' except that rotation is right instead of
+  (interactive "P")
+  (setq n
+       (if (integerp n) (- n)
+         -1))
+  (5x5-solve-rotate-left n))
 ;; Keyboard response functions.
 (defun 5x5-flip-current ()

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