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adding consistent extra symbols to input methods (cyrillic-*, croatian-*

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: adding consistent extra symbols to input methods (cyrillic-*, croatian-*, slov*, czech-* etc.) input methods
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2008 14:53:59 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

On Thu, 03 Jul 2008 11:29:53 +0900 Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> wrote: 

KH> In article <address@hidden>, Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden> writes:
KH> You can use quail-defrule.

KH> emacs/leim/leim-ext.el adds extra rules to the existing input method by:

KH> (eval-after-load "quail/..."
KH> '(quail-defrule "..." ...))

>> Thank you.  I have this:
>> but it is not working, because the method name is not the right thing to
>> specify for quail-defrule.

KH> NAME surely should work as far as that input method is
KH> already loaded.

Right, I'm trying to do the above for input methods that are in
input-method-alist but not necessarily loaded.  So this works:

(dolist (method 
         (remove nil
                    (let ((name (car-safe m)))
                      (when (and (string-match "cyrillic" name)
                                 (quail-package name))
  (message "Defining rules for method %s" method)
  (quail-defrule ",," ?„ method))

The question is, should I load those input methods explicitly, or just
assume that it's enough to handle what's in leim/quail/cyrillic.el?

Specifically, cyrillic-jis-russian wouldn't be handled this way, and it
can benefit from the extended mappings I am creating (proper double
quotes „ “, single quotes ‚‘ and the № § « » symbols).  If I should
special-case it in leim-ext.el that's fine, I'm just trying to approach
it programmatically.  

I think the croatian-*, slovak-*, czech-* and slovenian-* methods
(broadly speaking, the Slavic languages) can also use the extra symbols
(their names doen't match "cyrillic" in the above loop so I'd have to
add them to the regex).  If any speakers of those languages or other
languages from the region have an opinion, please let us know.  I
changed the subject accordingly.  AFAIK the symbols I mentioned above
are widely used in the region, but I only know Russian and Bulgarian use
them for sure.


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