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running other commands inside the ido prompt?

From: David Glasser
Subject: running other commands inside the ido prompt?
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:32:26 -0400

I really like how, when I'm inside ido-find-file and decide I'd rather
dired the directory I've navigated to instead of finding a file, I can
just hit C-d and end up in dired.  Is there a way to hook in other
single key "run this command on the current file instead of
continuing" hooks?  For example, I'd like to maybe be able to have a
key that runs svn-status on whatever I've navigated to.  The C-d logic
seems to be hardcoded around "magic backspace" commands, or am I
missing something?


David Glasser | address@hidden | http://www.davidglasser.net/

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