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Re: Adding a line to the splash screen with the guided tour's URL

From: chad brown
Subject: Re: Adding a line to the splash screen with the guided tour's URL
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 13:44:39 -0700

I can practically guarantee that that URL will stop working soon, in the time scale of Emacs releases.

IAP is MIT's Independant Activities Period, a sort of open-study period every January. People (students, professors, researchers, alum, etc) both give and take sessions on all sorts of topics during IAP, changing from year to year. Thus, that particular session might be taught only one year, or maybe a few years, but its unlikely (not impossible) to last as long as, say, the last emacs release.

As I understand it, we already got permission to use the guide for emacs if we wanted to host it somewhere else. If that's not the case, I could ask the author about giving us such rights.


On Apr 13, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:

Would it be practical to at least add a line of plain text to the
splash screen: "The illustrated guided tour is at
http://stuff.mit.edu/iap/emacs/";?  I can send a patch to implement
this if you like.

Please, no.  Emacs 22 might be in use for years; there's no guarantee
that URL will be up for an equivalent period of time.

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