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Re: CVS repository synchronization for RefTeX

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Re: CVS repository synchronization for RefTeX
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 22:55:05 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.92 (gnu/linux)

On Sat, Dec 30 2006, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

> Carsten Dominik wrote:
>> RefTeX has always had a life outside the Emacs CVS repository,
>> to make it run with XEmacs and with non-CVS emacs.  It is
>> still fully compatible with Emacs 21, and it caters for XEmacs
>> as well.
>> There are many people who use RefTeX but still use Emacs 21,
>> and even after the 22 release, this will be true for quite a
>> while.
> Ralf said Emacs release cycle is too slow, but now you say that there
> are many RefTeX users that still use Emacs 21.  This sounds like a
> contradiction to me.

People who don't want to (or can't [1]) upgrade to Emacs 22 are not
necessarily the same people as the ones who want a never version of

Some other example: Emacs 21 comes with Gnus 5.9 which was released in
1999 [2].  In case of [1], (s)he can still install a much more recent
stable Gnus (5.10.8, released 2006; only bug fixes to 5.10.1, release

> Anyway, I just wanted to say that developing an Emacs package outside
> Emacs bears additional burden.

ACK.  If Miles wouldn't do the work of syncing Gnus and Emacs
repositories, it would again imply much work for the next but one
Emacs release.

Bye, Reiner.

[1] E.g. if the sysadmin doesn't wan to install non-release software.

[2] Not only the long release cycle of Emacs, but also the long
    release cycle of Gnus is responsible for this.
      (o o)
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