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Re: Recent documents: Emacs and GNOME integration

From: Piotr Zielinski
Subject: Re: Recent documents: Emacs and GNOME integration
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 15:37:59 +0100

On 17/05/06, Mathias Dahl <address@hidden> wrote:
What about:

 1. If possible, rewrite addtorecent.py in Emacs Lisp.
 2. Make a customizable option that will turn this feature on.

That would be sensible, however, we'd need an emacs package for xml
manipulation.  As far as I can see, xml.el is only a parser (can't
modify an existing xml tree).

>    Recently-used.el [7] works in the opposite direction: it makes the
>    system-wide list of recently used files available to Emacs.
> That could be a superior method, esp. if it allows Emacs to easily
> determine whether this list exists on your machine.  I expect it to
> be more efficient also, but maybe addtorecent.py is fast enough.

It would be nice but it really does the opposite of the above, does it
not? These are two different things; reading to GNOME's list of recent
files, and writing to it.

Yes, and in the name of interoperability both solutions should be
supported I think.


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