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Re: Recent documents: Emacs and GNOME integration

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Re: Recent documents: Emacs and GNOME integration
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 09:50:32 +0200

   (defun local-add-file-to-recent ()
     (when buffer-file-name
       (start-process "addtorecent.py" nil "addtorecent.py"
                              (concat "file://" buffer-file-name)

   (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'local-add-file-to-recent)

That is quite clear and simple.  But we would like to make it work
totally automatically, which means, Emacs needs to decide automatically
whether to do this or not.

How should Emacs decide that?

What about:

1. If possible, rewrite addtorecent.py in Emacs Lisp.
2. Make a customizable option that will turn this feature on.

   Is there an Emacs package for xml manipulation (adding new nodes,

Yes, there is. It's called xml.el. I am not sure which package it
comes from but I think it is included in CVS Emacs.

   Recently-used.el [7] works in the opposite direction: it makes the
   system-wide list of recently used files available to Emacs.

That could be a superior method, esp. if it allows Emacs to easily
determine whether this list exists on your machine.  I expect it to
be more efficient also, but maybe addtorecent.py is fast enough.

It would be nice but it really does the opposite of the above, does it
not? These are two different things; reading to GNOME's list of recent
files, and writing to it.

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