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Re: address@hidden: RE: Customize doc strings and tagstrings do not resp

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: address@hidden: RE: Customize doc strings and tagstrings do not respect \\<...> and \\[...]]
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 13:49:27 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (X11/20041105)

Drew Adams wrote:
>     > (defcustom titi 'tata "OK" :type
>     >  '(choice
> > (const :tag "`\\<minibuffer-local-map>\\[next-history-element]'."
>     >           tata)))
>     > I see in Customize what I reported initially:
>     > \<minibuffer-local-map>\[next-history-element] (one level of
>     > \ removed).
>     Why do you think this is a bug?  The tag contains exactly this text.
> What are you saying?
> The point (the bug) is that the tag text should implicitly have
> `substitute-command-keys' applied to it. I made that clear in my initial
> report. A :tag string should be treated, in this respect, the same way a doc
> string is treated.

That is an interesting idea.  But there's nothing in the Emacs Lisp or
Widget manuals to suggest that the current implementation is broken.

> Use case: You have a choice between two values for an option. Each controls
> the behavior of `next-history-element' in a different way. You want to be
> able to use `\\<minibuffer-local-map>\\[next-history-element]' in the :tag's > to refer to the command binding. You don't want to hard-code the binding in
> the :tag string.

  (const :tag ,(substitute-command-keys

Kevin Rodgers

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